The survey estimates that one in 10 Chileans suffer from migraines and seizures can last up to three days | National


According to the survey "Impact of Migraine on the Quality of Life of Chilean Patients", conducted among 360 people with this condition, it is estimated that one in 10 Chileans suffers from this illness.

Migraine It produces an intense headache and other often limiting symptoms. This was revealed by 92% of respondents, who claimed interrupted certain daily activities because of the discomfort caused by the disease.

Although tension headaches are much more common and affect 60% of people, migraine is the leading cause of professional consultation for headaches, slogan El Mercurio.

In this context, only 14% of those affected have a crisis of 4 hours or less, but 45% of patients have seizures can last up to 24 hours, while 32% reported having episodes up to three days .

"This is a problem that goes well beyond the headache. It is a genetic disease that, despite the treatments, is maintained throughout life ," said María Loreto Cid, neurologist and head of the pain unit of the Santiago Military Hospital. 19659005] Cid is co-author of the study, alongside hospital specialists Luis Tizné, Guillermo Grant Benavente of Concepción and Mutual de Seguridad, with the support of Laboratorio Novartis.

The most frequently badociated complications are . sleep (95%), isolation and photophobia (80%) (need to remain in the dark) for long periods ; The neurologist was warned by conditions that could transcend the personal, emotional and social aspects.

95% of the surveyed patients recognized that migraine symptoms were harmful to their daily activities and in 92% of cases they had to stop them. Even 55% confessed that it interfered with their bad life.


The survey is part of a global study, of which the universe includes 11,260 people, seeks, in addition to studying the impact of migraine in the quality of life of patients, their level of satisfaction with care and treatment.

That is why the World Health Organization (WHO) found that only 40% of patients are diagnosed and / or treated properly.

This reality is also observed in Chile: 49% of respondents took one to two years to diagnose themselves, mainly because of misinformation, even from professionals. In addition, some saw up to three specialists to develop this pathology.

"Undergraduate teaching on the subject is very rare, involving specialists who can not recognize the problem, who do not give correct information and, on the other hand, patients who do not understand that it is a chronic pathology that is not curable, but that can be taken care of clarified Cristián Sedano, co – author of the survey and member of the Department of Neurology of Clínica Las Condes

More than half (56%) of patients who expressed dissatisfaction with treatment say the symptom relief it is only partial and 30% resist strong drug use.

Regarding feelings badociated, 48% said people "did not understand their pain", while 38% felt "useless" or "depressed" before these seizures.

In Chile, effective treatment of migraine, both acute and preventative, remains an unmet need, the researchers said.

and after 18 years without progress in preventive treatments, this year alone with monoclonal antibodies opens a new alternative, with better tolerance and fewer effects . We hope that it will be available in Chile next year, "said Sedano.

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