The Tesla space roadster has just crossed Mars


Fly away buddy

Remember when Elon Musk was so cool that he even threw a Roadster into space? Shortly after, the executive fell into public shame as a result of several scandals. But the legacy of this extravagant act is still alive. And in fact, he just went through Mars.

As reported by the guys from SpaceX together on the day of the dead. The car followed the displaced trajectory of its orbit to pbad near the red planet:

the current location of Starman. Next step is the restaurant at the end of the universe.

– SpaceX (@SpaceX) November 3, 2018

All this was calculated on the basis of the models developed from the database of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

This information was the key to feed the website. In theory, we show where the car should be.

After this projection, it is estimated that the Roadster does not approach the planet for a long time.

If you are interested, we recommend that you take a closer look. its agenda on November 4, 2020. Since then, the vehicle would come back to pbad close to home.

Although there is always also the latent risk of a collision that changes the course and trajectory of the Tesla.

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