The testimony of the victims was the key


Two brothers are arrested in flights for surprise and intimidation: the testimony of the victims was Clave

July 12, 2018 // National, Police, Society

One of them was on probation for a previous conviction and for a few months inspectors from the Robos de Arica Brigade were investigating them


The same modus operandi abandoned them. On board a Hyundai Model Porter white vehicle, the various flights affected several residents of the north Arica area. With sharp weapons and, in some cases, firearms – according to the people affected – two people with bare faces came down from the mobile and intimidated their victims. At least 10 of them have sent several complaints to the police, pointing out the violence and the manner in which these people acted.

As a result of this, a special group of officers from the group "Robberies and Robust Flames" of the Investigation Brigade of Robos (Biro) Arica, on instructions from the Regional Prosecutor's Office, s & # Is committed to working on the issue and identifying the perpetrators of these crimes.

Thus, thanks to an authorization of entry and registration granted by the Arica guarantee court and after a long investigation, it was possible to individualize the subjects and to stop them.

These are two brothers, one of 22 years old and another minor, 16 years old, who, along with another subject, have devoted themselves to scare among the inhabitants of the city. The older of them was on probation because he had already been convicted of robbery with violence. However, he did not respect the precautionary measure and, taking advantage of his freedom, he continued to commit crimes, this time with his brother and another unidentified individual, but the IDP implements all the crimes. necessary procedures to find it.

According to the information provided, the subjects also acted by surprise on board the same vehicle, descending and quickly stealing pbadersby through cell phones, tablets or other devices with similar characteristics.

"We are satisfied with the work accomplished since on this occasion the arrest of two brothers of 22 and 16 years is achieved by the responsibility that suits them in the repeated crimes of robbery with violence and theft by surprise, where the detectives of the group "The robberies and criminal outbreaks" of this brigade under the investigation instructions of the prosecutor's office have detected common criminal tendencies in several crimes of surprise theft and in two crimes of theft with intimidation, initiating investigations and identifying these individuals, "said Chef de Biro Arica, Commissioner Juan Abarca.

The identification work was validated by the recognition, both photographic and vehicular, of the victims, who for the most part managed to identify the individuals and motive in which they committed the wrongful act. .

At the time of his arrest, a digital scale and items used to test drugs were seized from his home, with 43.54 grams of Cannabis Sativa and 0.22 grams of cocaine base.

The individual subject of 22 years with the initials VAMA, with a large police record, was remanded for 90 days during the investigation, while the minor, 16 years old, he was left with a temporary internment plan.


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