The thief is evicted by a minibus driver in Hualpén – National


A video captures a driver who was driving a thief out of a minibus in Hualpen

Caesar, the main driver, said that he had had to defend himself because of the large number of robberies in the city . TVN

] 28.07.2018

A driver of collective locomotion in Hualpen region of Biobío was captured while he was expelling a thief who was trying to attack him

to record the vehicle's security cameras, the driver did not hesitate to attack the subject, who wanted to take the money collected during the day .

This one, who identified as Caesar argues that repeated criminal acts in the city forced them to take their own security measures.

"We always walk with iron and sticks, in this case, I retained it and then download it ", said the protagonist

Detail that each minibus has security cameras, but the authorities have not been able to stop the wave of thefts.


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