The third week of August opens the use of the Bonilla roundabout with its underpass


Photograph: Raphael Sierra P.

The Seremi of Public Works, Daniel Escobar before the Diario Concepción that l the third week of August will open the Bonilla roundabout ] a work that generates a direct underground pbadage between Talcahuano and the Cabrero road.

The work, which is carried out by Valles del Bío Bío Concessionaire has already been Advance of 5%, so it should be ready before the end of August [19659003] As explained by the Seremi, currently, signaling facility, horizontal demarcation and installation of tachas, the vandal-proof fence posture is underway.

In addition, he installs road lighting poles, containment elements, a generator in the pump room sector and a coating on the screen walls. With regard to the missing works, the rapid completion of the installation of a variable traffic sign, fixtures and equipment of the pump room, with their respective tests is envisaged.

It is expected that It involves an investment of 15 billion pesos, circulates two thousand vehicles per hour and direction, being viable for 20 years.

Meanwhile, it was reported that the Bicentennial Bridge will be completed in September, but not with the definitive connection to Chacabuco

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