The trade balance registered a deficit in October after a significant increase in imports



The trade balance showed a deficit of US $ 217 million in October, which compares with the surplus of US $ 727 million posted in the same month in 2017. The Central Bank reported Wednesday that the result describes it reacted to the 7.2% increase in exports, which reached $ 6,563 million, and $ 6,783 million, 25.7% per year for imports.

Mining shipments recorded an annual loss of 5.1% to US $ 3,508.6 million, of which US $ 3,155.1 million was for copper outflows. Industrial shipments totaled US $ 2,774.2 million, a significant increase of 27%, while forestry sales increased by 16.5% to US $ 283.4 million.

domestic purchases of consumer goods grew by 12.7% year-on-year to US $ 2,128 million, while purchases of intermediate goods increased by 28.7% to $ 3,567 million. US dollars; Finally, purchases of capital goods increased by 25.6% to US $ 6,782.6 million.

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