The trial against the former Nazi concentration camp began


U n
Former guard of the 94-year-old Nazi concentration camp at Sutthof,
Poland, is judged from this Tuesday in Münster, Germany, by
complicity in hundreds of murders, a case of symbolic weight and
The German, resident of Münster, is accused of having served between
June 1942 and September 1944 in this field, located 40 kilometers
from Gdansk.

The prosecution did not disclose the identity of the accused who
According to the newspaper Die Welt, it would be a retired landscape painter named Johann.
The hearing yesterday was devoted to the reading of the indictment,
according to the German press.

"J & # 39; had
between 18 and 20 at the time of the facts. As a guardian,
he was monitoring the ground, the fences, the watchtowers "while
Hundreds of people were "gbaded, shot and tortured with hunger"
Dortmund prosecutor Andreas Brendel told AFP.

The defendant
had "knowledge of all methods to kill" and that is why he was
accomplice of the "murder of hundreds of people", although he did not participate
in them directly, the act of accusation is necessary. According to Die Welt, the
Nonagenario denied to the police in August 2017 that he had been arrested
atrocities that were committed in the campaign and stated that
the soldiers also suffered from food shortages.

At Stutthof,
first Nazi concentration camp established outside the territory
German at the end of 1939 and one of the last to be published by the
Allies, in May 1945, 65,000 of the 110,000 deportees
dead, according to the Stutthof Museum in Sztutowo. Controlled by the SS and
Ukrainian auxiliaries, were first used to detain prisoners
and Polish, Norwegian or Danish opponents before the
Jews from the Baltic countries and Poland, mostly women, were
deported since 1944 as part of the "final solution"

"I am
very grateful for the celebration of this lawsuit, no one in my family
he believed that legal action was possible. For me, I'm from
third generation, it's very important, "said Ben Cohen, Judy's grandson
Meisel, a deportee of the countryside. Since its release, less than one
field staff, out of more than 2,000, were
before the courts, mainly in Gdansk and in the former FRG,
according to the museum.

Moral Problem

the hearings will take place "in one day, for a maximum of two hours",
so that the defendant can be "in good physical shape", according to the
prosecutor, also responsible for the investigation of crimes against
National Socialism in North Rhine-Westphalia. Will be tried until
January at least by juvenile court because he had less than
21 years old when events happened.

the accused incurs a maximum penalty of 15 years imprisonment. For Brendel, the
it does not matter, because it is primarily a problem
legal and moral "." Germany owes family members and victims
crimes of national socialism that are the subject of an investigation, even today,
the facts

and prosecute these crimes, "said the prosecutor.

2011, a new case law allows to open the procedure by
"Complicity in murder" against those who participated in the
exploitation of the fields. Until then, they could not be treated
the suspects directly involved in the murder of
deported .

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