The truth behind the false news about the planets aligned on the pyramids of Giza


A fake image has gone around the Internet in recent days. It is the astronomers, the sites specialized in the verification of the facts and the scientific journalists who denied the existence of this image


These last days, a very impacting image was made. viralizado enredes: this is a supposed photograph that shows the planets Saturn, Venus and Mercury perfectly aligned on the points of the three pyramids of Giza, in Egypt.

"This only happens once every 2737 years, we are lucky," says the caption of the photos, tweets and messages that accompany the image. However, there is no luck or fortune: it is still one of the lies that circulate daily in cyberspace.

One of the first places to deny the veracity of the viral image was the English Portal Snopes which specializes in verifying the veracity of information. The site called it partial truth: although it is true that according to researchers the three pyramids are strongly related to astronomy, this perfect alignment has never occurred. And, what's more: is not as miraculous a phenomenon as you would like to believe.

In fact, he says Snopes Mercury, Venus and Saturn aligned on December 3, 2012 but also in 2007. In addition, this alignment would never be online right, like that of the image, and would have a more vertical than horizontal orientation.

More: There is no valid scientific theory linking the pyramids of Giza to the Orion belt of which the three planets belong

Why, then, Is the image spread like wildfire? for the Spanish science journalist Alex Riveiro, the answer could be hidden in one of those conspiracy theories that say the pyramids were built by "aliens" who brought the technology to the inhabitants of Egypt because that they were alone "never" (says the conjecture) could build such engineering works.

According to a thread that the writer Riveiro posted on his Twitter, "If the pyramids really wanted to represent the firmament seen at Giza … why is there no representation of Sirius? Not only is it the brightest star in the sky, for the Egyptians, their appearance indicated the arrival of the flood season of the Nile. "

And continues:" Why could you ignore a star that was so important in their lives? There is no explanation, at least to the naked eye, which is satisfactory. "From the beginning, Riveiro – as well as almost all the serious astronomers – gets rid of the visit of the extraterrestrials who built the pyramids.

The North: This True Line

However, that image is false does not mean that the pyramids of Cheops – like any other the Egyptian empire – have no significant relationship with astronomy. It is obvious that the three are perfectly oriented towards the North Pole. How to achieve it without the technological tools of today, and taking into account the fact that the only star visible today on the North Pole, the Polaris, does not exist. was not visible at that time?

"Although there was no star at the North Pole, you could see how the stars were moving northward into the celestial vault.So, for a few years, one thinks that what they did was look at the stars Mizar (in the Big Dipper) and Kocab (in the minor) . "

These two stars, located in pole direction, they had the particularity "that they were always in opposite points, so an imaginary line connecting the two stars would indicate the exact location of the North Pole", adds Riveiro.

The Pyramids of Giza are a source Very common hoaxes Some of you are surely familiar In this thread, I want to review, mainly, a pair that is closely related to astronomy.And, by the way, remember why skepticism is always a useful tool

– Alex Rive iro (@alex_riveiro) February 27, 2018

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