The two new frontal systems that will affect almost all Chile | National


During the long weekend, two frontal systems will affect much of the country between the regions of Atacama and Aysén.

According to the reports of the Chilean Meteorological Directorate, the first will leave normal intensity on Saturday and Sunday in the province of Huasco, Atacama until the area of Maule .

The most intense of the front will be recorded on the coast of the regions of Coquimbo and Valparaíso where there will even gusts of wind up to 80km / h.

Meanwhile, in the metropolitan area will fluctuate between 20 km / h and 60 km / h.

On the other hand, according to El Mercurio, the second frontal system will start on Tuesday and last until Friday and will feel more strongly in the south-central zone. Specifically, its peak will be recorded Wednesday and Thursday.

Due to all of the above, Onemi organized a technical panel to badyze weather events, during which alert levels and action plans were evaluated .

Onemi metropolitan director Rodrigo Rojas pointed out that "should be much weaker than the previous frontal system" that was recorded in mid-June, leaving hail and even snow in different areas of the capital. "Only snow will fall in mountain areas," he said.

In the region of Bío Bío winds of up to 60 km / h are expected over the weekend, whereas in La Araucanía the weather conditions will not show greater intensity, moderate profile.

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