The Typographer »Axillary palpation would also help to detect breast cancer


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It is generally advisable for women to self-examine their bads for possible cancer, but the focus is rarely put on axillary palpation, since a possible tumor could be s & # 39; 39, to be drained into the axillary lymph nodes. 19659003] Antonia Toledo, president of the Nuevo Renacer Patient Foundation, which brings together people with this disease, says that "bad cancer can sometimes spread to the underarm lymph nodes and cause swelling or bulging, even before the tumor is big enough to feel or touch it. "

He adds that mortality in the country due to metastatic cancer has increased by 37% in recent years. "Early diagnosis is very important and it is therefore recommended to perform self-examination once a month, which, in addition to the bad, should include the armpits in the event that an inflamed lymph node is receiving the drainage of a tumor in the bad, "says Toledo.

The self-exploration is that the shower would be the key, because with soapy water, it would be easier to find anomalies. As for the chest, to examine the armpit, circular movements should be done with the fingertips, trying to determine the presence of mbades, thickenings, bumps or soft areas.

You can also check the underarms while lying down. When lying down, place a pillow or rolled towel under the shoulder, then place your hand behind your head with your elbow up. At the opposite end, examine the nipple with circular movements of the fingertips, paying particular attention to the area from the bad to the armpit and even armpit.

"All women with bad cancer, regardless of stage of illness where they are, are entitled to all available treatment in the country. 40 to 65 years, grandmothers or young children, "adds the president of the foundation.

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