The typographer »Knowing the most requested plastic surgeries by the locals


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Men go more and more into the operating room. According to data from the Chilean Society of Plastic Surgery (SCCP), there are currently between 5,000 and 6,000 male cosmetic surgeries a year, which has increased in the last decade. This shows that Chileans are more willing to undergo this type of surgeries.

With the approach of the summer, the concern for the appearance of the body is notorious and diets, gyms or plastic surgeries are starting to become a topic of discussion. . Gynecomastia is one of the most requested procedures by men this season. This intervention reduces one of the major complexes of the male bad: the increase in the volume of the pectoral region due to the increase in subcutaneous adipose tissue or, in some cases, the development of a small mammary gland. This condition can occur at any age and can result from hormonal changes, the use of steroids, heredity, obesity or even the use of certain medications.

Another of the most cited procedures and which turned into a third operation. The most popular aesthetic in the world is blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery. This procedure improves the appearance of the eyelids and gives more light to the eyes thanks to a temporary hospitalization under local anesthesia and sedation by an anesthesiologist.

Plastic surgeon Claudio Thomas, president of the Chilean Society of Plastic Surgery. , explains that it is important that anyone who decides to perform such surgery should choose a licensed plastic surgeon, since a comprehensive level of training in plastic surgery is required for a complete development to pose a proper diagnosis and choose the surgery. correct, depending on the case, this requires an experienced plastic surgeon. "

Despite the explosive increase that male surgeries have presented over the past decade, liposuction accounts for 25% of the most common invasive treatments performed by men.This technique was popularized because it allows to obtain a better body silhouette, eliminating unruly fats that can not be reduced with a diet or exercise.

In this sense, the specialists emphasize that the important thing is to know If you decide to perform, it is essential to understand the procedures you can perform by focusing on a basic triangle, an informed patient, a certified surgeon and an approved clinical center.

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