The typographer »The Rengo Hospital begins the process of normalization to become a very complex site


As part of the programming agreement signed between the regional government of O. Higgins and the Ministry of Health, funding was established for the construction of a new hospital of great complexity in the district of Rengo.

The work will focus on the standardization of Rengo Hospital. In this sense, the Higgins Health Service Standardization Studies Advisor, Miguel Aravena, pointed out that "we have experience in this area; we have standardized the hospital from Chimbarongo and Rancagua Hospital, we are also involved in standardization processes in San Vicente and Pichilemu hospitals, and now we have to standardize the Rengo Hospital. "

Aravena met with the authorities of the Renguino area, an opportunity aimed at "the people of Rengo Hospital know the team that will work on the standardization of the Service Branch, in addition to making it known that the process officially begins and asks for it. commitment from the entire hospital, since all this is built together. "

For his part, the medical deputy director of the health center, Paul Pacurucu, pointed out that the occasion "is the kick of a dream that we all have as a the direction, but also as hospital officials and more than anything else in the population, to whom we give a blanket. "

Also, Rengo Human Resources Chief, Mabel Alvarado, explained that "we hope that at the end of this government will begin the process of standardization of the Rengo Hospital, where we will grow up almost three times "

. s benefits that will have the new enclosure, the authority pointed out that "we will have 287 beds, we will be a hospital of high complexity.Therefore, there is a big challenge to overcome, we must generate all that is the process of diagnosis, for which we have a maximum period of three months, then we will all be zone managers who will join us in this great challenge and wait for it to finish successfully. "

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