The UN again calls for the lifting of the blockade against Cuba despite US pressure



The United Nations General Assembly condemned yesterday and for the 27th consecutive year the blockade imposed by the United States on Cuba more than half a century ago and rejected American attempts to criticize the human rights situation in Cuba's communist island.

The resolution calling for the lifting of the embargo imposed on Cuba in 1962 was supported by 189 countries and rejected only by the United States and Israel, as last year. There was no abstention and Ukraine and Moldova did not vote.

The eight amendments tabled by the United States called on Cuba to put an end to restrictions on freedom of expression and badembly, persecution of dissidents and the release of political prisoners. They got the support they needed.

They were only supported by the United States, Israel and Ukraine and one by the Marshall Islands. More than 65 countries, including those of the European Union, abstained and more than 110 rejected

Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez described them as "dishonest maneuver" for "to create confusion, to abuse time and to cause fatigue". "In a long speech in front of the Assembly." As a result of the amendments, the vote had to be postponed from Wednesday to Thursday.

"The US government does not have the least authority to criticize Cuba or anyone else on human rights issues, "the Foreign Minister said:" The blockade is causing Cuba "incalculable human injury" and represents "genocide"

Rodriguez said that since US President John F. Kennedy imposed the embargo in February 1962, less than a year after Fidel Castro's declaration of the socialist character of the Cuban revolution, this has caused damage to the island for more than 134 499 million dollars at the current rate.

A thunderous applause shook the huge circular hall of the Assembly after the vote of condemnation of the embargo

"I am still perplexed when I'm hear applause in this room at times like this. Because there are no winners today. There are only losers. The UN has lost. He rejected this opportunity to speak on behalf of human rights, "lamented the US ambbadador to the UN, Nikki Haley, after the mbadive rejection of his amendments.

The Government Trump counterattacked on Thursday at Miami's Freedom Tower, a building where Cuban refugees were received in the 1960s after fleeing the island, and John Bolton, advisor to the White House for National Security, said Cuba integrated with Venezuela and Nicaragua a "troika of tyranny."

And announced that the US State Department had added two dozen entities, Cuban military or intelligence services, or controlled by them, to the list of entities with which financial transactions are prohibited to persons in the United States.

"10 defeats in one" – ]

Cuban President Miguel Diaz- Canel celebrated the victory in Russi e, where he is yesterday, on tour

"The United States suffers 10 defeats in one. The peoples of the world voted for Cuba because they know our cause is really right. Cuba is respected. For Fidel and Raul for the Cuban Revolution and for the Cuban People # NoMásBloqueo, "he tweeted

Haley argued that the annual vote to condemn the blockade against Cuba" is a waste of time "because" for 27 years debate, nothing has changed in Cuba. "

Last year, the resolution condemning the US embargo was supported by 191 votes to two, that of the United States was Israel.

In 2016, for the first and only time, the United States, he abstained from voting against the resolution in a context of bilateral approach of the Barack Obama government with respect to the island after more than half a year. -time of enmity between Washington and Havana, including the reopening of embbadies in both capitals in 2015.

Since the arrival of Donald Trump at the White House in 2017, relations between the two countries are tense and the respective embbadies are at a minimum, so the UN was once again the scene of growing tensions between Cuba and the United States.


US Presidential Adviser John Bolton announced yesterday in Miami further pressure and sanctions from the United States against Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua, that he defined as "the troika of tyranny" and warns them that "finally" they will face "someone who stands up to them."

According to Bolton, who gave a speech in Miami on US policy towards Latin America, the state department will expand the list of entities owned or controlled by the US. Cuban army or intelligence services with which the Americans can not make a transaction.


About Venezuela announced that President Trump had signed a decree imposing new, tougher sanctions to prevent US citizens from taking on those who make "fraudulent and corrupt transactions" with Venezuelan gold.

In the case of Nicaragua, Bolton said that as long as there would be no free elections in this country and democracy would be restored, the regime of Daniel Ortega would feel "all the weight" of US sanctions .

that the United States wants "every corner of this triangle to fall".

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