The unemployment rate in La Araucanía reaches 6.4% and is below the national average | National


A The unemployment figure in La Araucanía during the last mobile quarter came, according to data provided by the National Institute of Statistics (INE).

For the first time since 2016, the percentage is lower than the national average which this time reaches 7.1%.

The National Employment Survey, which measures the unemployment rate between July and September, left good news for the region, which recorded a decline of compared to the previous quarter .

With that, the Araucanía remains in the middle of the table of the regions, directed by Tarapacá and Antofagasta with respectively 8,5% and 8,4%.

At the end of the table is the region of Magallanes with 3%, figure that can be read as a full employment.

Although the female unemployment rate reaches 7.4%, this one decreases by 0.5% in the last twelve months which has been described as good news by the vice-president. Dean of the Faculty of Administration and Management of the Autonomous University Humberto Salas.

If an badysis is carried out by economic activity, the INE survey revealed that The number of employed persons decreased – mainly – in the sector manufacturing industries registering a decrease of 29.7%, while the number of jobs in the sector of the administration public has increased.

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