The unemployment rate remains at 7% due to a 2.1% increase in assets and the labor force



The unemployment rate during the March-May quarter was 7%, with no year-over-year change and 0.3 percentage point increase (pp.) Compared to the previous quarter.

statistics (INE) reported on Friday that "the annual zero move was due to both labor and employees increased by 2.1%, which slowed down the pressure on the the labor market and influenced the rise of 1, 6% of the unemployed, a figure lower than that observed in previous periods.The participation and occupation rates respectively reached 59.9% and 55.7%. "

The expansion of employment in twelve months, recorded distribution, was motivated by the sectors of education (10.6%), professional activities (21.4% ) and transportation (8%), while the category most affected was the self-employed (5.1%). According to the hours usually worked per week, the segment of 31-44 hours, which increased by 5.4%, influenced.

Meanwhile, the population outside the labor force or inactive increased by 1.2%, mainly because, at increases of 1.5% of the usual inactive and 3.7% of men, while the potentially active inactive decreased by 1.5%.

The female unemployment rate was 8.1%, ranging from 0.1 pp. in twelve months, while that of men reached 6.2%, with a decrease of 0.2 pp. in the same period

Each year, the unemployment rate rose in eleven regions, declined in three and did not show any movements in La Araucanía. The most pronounced expansion occurred at Magallanes (2.4 pp.) And the main reduction occurred at Valparaíso (-1.4 pp.).

The highest unemployment rate, by age group, was in the 15-24 age group, reaching 17.7%, with an increase of 0.3 pp. in twelve months. On a quarterly basis, informal employment was 28.8%, down 0.2 pp. During the same period, informal workers contracted by 0.3%.

In terms of under-utilization of the labor force, the combined rate of involuntary unemployment and part-time work was estimated at 16.3%, down 0.1 pp. in twelve months. Meanwhile, the labor pressure rate was set at 12.8%, a figure that represented an annual drop of 0.1 pp. The seasonally adjusted unemployment rate was 6.7%, with no change from the previous quarter. In women, it was 7.4% and in men 6.1%.

Metropolitan Region

On the other hand, the INE indicated that unemployment represented 7.1% in the metropolitan area, noting a decrease of 0.3 pp. in twelve months and a quarterly increase of 0.3 pp.

The rate reduction was related to the expansion of 1.4% of the labor force, which was lower than the 1.8% change held, implying low labor market pressure , reflected in the 2.6% decrease in the unemployed. Rates of participation and occupation increased by 0.1 pp. and 0.3 pp, reaching 62.3% and 57.9% in each case.

The unemployment rate for women was 8.2%, with an annual increase of 0.1 pp., While that of men was 6.3%, down 0.6 pp. in twelve months

The increase in the number of persons employed is attributable to the sectors of professional activities (30.3%), education (14.0%) and construction (8.2%). %). By category, mainly self-employed (6.1%), private sector employees (1.2%) and public sector employees (3.2%).

Quarterly, informal employment set at 25.8% a contraction of 0.2 pp, while the informal fell by 0.1%.

In Greater Santiago

In turn, unemployment was 7.0%, noting a reduction of 0.5 pp. in twelve months and a quarterly increase of 0.2 pp.

The annual decline is explained by the expansion of 1.2% of the labor force, which is less than that of active workers (1.7%), which implied a low pressure on the labor market and the 6% drop in the unemployed. At the same time, participation and occupation rates reached 62.4% and 58%, recording a zero change in 12 months in the first case and an increase of 0.3 pp. in the second.

The increase in the number of employed persons was supported by the professional activity (29.7%), education (16.2%) and transportation (9.8%) sectors. and by independent professional categories (6, 5%) and private employees (1.3%).

The informal employment rate decreased by 0.2 pp. compared to the previous quarter, reaching 25.3%, while the informal increased by 0.2%

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