The United States and China, more than a commercial impulse


Benytsa González .- The world economy and the population of the planet will be the big losers of the trade war that is facing, mainly, the United States and China if after first tariff charges, side by side, an agreement between the two major powers is not reached.

The recent announcement of new rates on Chinese products by the United States could trigger a protectionist whirlwind, which already involves several countries in the pechaje Imports, which launched the president Donald Trump under the "America First" policy

The tax measures, which also affect Mexico, Canada, the European Union and Russia, would be intended, according to Trump, to lobby for trade negotiations , from industry and employment in the North American nation, after years of damage caused by free trade agreements and unfair negotiations.

However, the badysts imply that behind the strategy there would also be political and geopolitical reasons.

Elections. On November 6, there must be a renewal of the US Congress, a plenary session of the House of Representatives and a third of the Senate. The election nomination could be a major referendum on the management of the White House leader.

It must be remembered that Trump was not the most voted candidate in 2016, who got, in his first year, the lowest approval rate. President had, that 51.9% currently rejects his work, and that his promise to rural areas and states affected by the FTA and imports, took him to the presidency.

Thus, Trump needs the Republicans to win the parliamentary elections, and his foreign policy agenda, "America's first" – part of his promise to "make the United States big" "- is an imperative.

Countries affected by US tariffs understand this, and use the same scenario to put pressure on the president. Fiscal retaliation is affecting producers in conservative states, who are seeking to have constituents correct themselves through Trump.

Hegemony. In the particular case of tariffs to China, Trump referred to the surplus of the commercial relationship in favor of Beijing which reached 372 billion dollars.

But, it is also a reason for imports from the Asian country, the Plan "Made in China 2025", by means of which this nation would take the world leadership in technology. For Trump, China "steals" intellectual property and scientific knowledge

In this regard, the engineer Fernando Vilella of the University of Buenos Aires, claimed that what is in discussion, in this fight, "It's the world power and access and management technologies."

In any case, the trade war will result in higher prices of finished products. In an interconnected and increasingly globalized world, consumers around the world will be the most affected.

And, as said the director of the International Monetary Fund, Christine Lagarde "no one wins in a trade war", and also "the conflict would hurt global economic growth".

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