The University of Buenos Aires, among the top 10 best in Latin America


Source: Archivo

Figure in the QS ranking, led by the Pontifical University of Chile; Di Tella at the head of the private sector in the country

For the second consecutive year, the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile tops the ranking of QS universities in Latin America for its academic reputation and that of his employer, for his scores high in
papers by the number of university professors' work, the international research network and its impact on the Web. The University of Buenos Aires (UBA) ranks eighth among the top ten houses of study in the region.

This is the result of the badysis of 395 universities in Latin America, in which it is emphasized that Brazil has seven institutions in the top 20; while Argentina has 39, among the top 100. The five best houses of study and that of Chile are the University of San Pablo and the State of Campinas (both Brazilian), the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), the University of Los Andes (Colombia) and the Monterrey Technological Institute (Mexico).

If you look at the top 10 positions, two correspond to Chilean institutions, three in Brazil, two in Mexico, two in Colombia and one in Argentina.

Why does the Catholic Pontifical University of Chile remain at the top of the rankings in the second year? Its rector, Guillermo Marshall, has been energetic: "The UC is constantly working to become a better university".

"The most important in the UBA ranking is that it has stayed or has progressed over the past four years – place 20, today out of 8" said the rector of this research firm, Alberto Barbieri, recalling that during the last QS study at the international level, it was qualified as the first Latin America and is among the 50 best in the world. 19659008] Barbieri also highlights the career of the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, UNAM and San Pablo: "They have always defined the trend". And he points out, for example, the budgetary disparity that exists between the Argentine University "600 million US dollars" and the "Mexican and Brazilian" 4 billion US dollars. "

According to him , maintain the level of benefits UBA proposes in the medium term to its students "to have an agreed budget"

The Latin American clbadification places the remaining 38 study houses in our country between posts 24 -Universidad Torcuato Di Tella- and 347 (National University of Zamora Hills.)

Only seven houses of study improve their position in the ranking: the Nationals of Silver (square 26), Cordoba (29 ), San Martin (95), National Technological (111) and Salta (216).

The National University of Quilmes was in the same place, 125. The other public and private houses of study occupied From those who had a slight positive oscillation, the Technological Institute of Buenos Aires (rose from position 60 to position 58).

For Martin Juno, one of the leaders of the QS clbadification, "Latin America is one of the regions where the appetite for private higher education is more present, with a group of institutions with this profile that are starting to challenge traditional flagship institutions.Of the seven institutions that ranked among the top 50 in the region, four are private, which indicates the good national performance of the same thing. "

" In a globalized world with a lot of knowledge, teachers and students believe that the recognition of an international ranking allows future students to make more informed decisions about their current situation. who want to study, "says Catalina Smulovitz, vice-rector of the UTDT, the second best Argentine university ranking n QS and first in private management.

Julio Durand, Academic Secretary of the Universidad Austral, "Participating in a ranking does not mean changing the mission of a university or considering oneself better than anyone, but simply pbading on aspects of the project the educational proposal that arrives so simple and comprehensible to a wide audience

One of the best institutes of study is that of the University of Belgrano (it was 59 years old and has fallen to 78), in Palermo (from 80 to 118), the citizens of San Juan (205 to 242), the Northeast (258 to 310), La Pampa (243 to 319) and the Inter-American Open University (201 to 333). [19659016] [ad_2]
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