The Urban – Health Service O Higgins Focuses on Regional Seminar on Quality and Patient Safety


In the eighth version of the meeting, four of the six works exhibited belonged to entities dependent on the public service.

Among the works of the hospitals of San Fernando, Litueche and Marchigüe, in addition to the health service, O. Higgins had outstanding attendance at the 8th Regional Seminar on Quality and Patient Safety, which was held at the Aula Magna of Clínico Fusat Hospital, an activity chaired by the Superintendent of Service Providers, Dr. Enrique Ayarza; the director of the health service, Fabio López, and the executive director of the Copper Clinic Network, Carlos Arroyo, where was also head of the department of quality and safety, Francisca Contreras, with the theme "Experience In Region VI Accreditation. "

On this occasion, Dr. Ayarza highlighted the work of the Fusat Clinical Hospital, which was the first institution in the region to be accredited in 2013 and then re-accredited in 2016, also highlighting the Health Service, the two hospitals of high complexity – Rancagua and San Fernando – have the challenge of re-accreditation and, in addition, next year they will have to start the accreditation process of CESFAM , stressing that in the case of Rancagua, it already has with its accreditation the CESFAM 6, which is one of the 25 that have complied with this regulation at the national level.

For his part, Dr. Carlos Arroyo said that with the work of this VIII Regional Conference – X Hospital FUSAT and Intersalud – already has more than one hundred exhibitors and more than one thousand of participants present in the activity, which indicates a specific goal: "to offer patients quality care, fast, safe and secure, which allows us to continue to improve every day."

Meanwhile , the director or directors of the health service, Fabio López, thank the authorities of the FUSAT and Intersalud for the alliance. "that have been formed" to address issues that are so important to our industry, such as continuous process improvement, quality of care and health care security, to maintain the standards required by our users, especially when we face new challenges. big challenge, like the preparation of primary care institutions for their first accreditation process, which are 32 CESFAM, with their respective posts, CECOF and SAPUS badociated "

Midwife Francisca Contreras, Head of the Department of Security of the DSS, pointed out that work was being done to re-accredit very complex hospitals and four low-complexity hospitals, namely Chimbarongo, Litueche, Marchigue and Pichilemu- in the previous revision "because, unlike the accreditation of 6 month, the re-accreditation corresponds to 3 years of registration and the percentage also increases from 50 to 70% of the total characteristics and continues to meet the 100 mandatory conditions, then what comes is great, as well as all the other hospitals in the network with which we are already working for the reaccreditation processes that will take place in the coming years. "

Documents Presented

The Marchigüe Hospital got the third place with the work" Support timely diagnosis for the patient: positive impact on the process of care of a hospital " of medical technologist Camila Alegría, while the work "Implementation NCH 3262 Gender Equality Management and Reconciliation Systems in SSD" by Romina Aliaga, psychologist in social and organizational sciences of the Directorate of Department of Health (DSS), was awarded second place.

The other two presentations of health service-dependent institutions were "Verification of Rapid HIV Visual Test", presented by the Chief Laboratory Technologist Hospital Clinic San Fernando, Rolando Vidal, and the "Litueche Hospital Laboratory: Criteria for Acceptance, Rejection and Application for New Samples", presented by Marlier Alb ornoz, medical technologist

In addition, the coordinator of the unit of occupational medicine of Intersalud, Dr. Mauricio Rojas, presented the document "Unit of Occupational Medicine and Law No. 16 744 ", and the head of general services of Clínico Hospital FUSAT, Andrés Illanes, have been deployed" Improvements in the field of general services and maintenance of HCF. "

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