The use of antibiotics in salmon culture increases resistance to bacteria


Experts in bacterial resistance and salmon farming have agreed that the excessive use of antibiotics in salmon production helps to increase the resistance of bacteria to the action of these drugs and can potentially affect the health of human beings.

This is one of the conclusions of the International Seminar "Salmon Aquaculture and Antibiotics: A Risk to Human Health", organized by the Oceana Conservation Organization.

In the case of Viña del Mar, Anthony So, director of the strategic policy program of the global network Re-Act (Action on Antibiotic Resistance), said that every year 700,000 people die from death. antibiotic-resistant infections. and that by 2050, this figure should reach more than 10 million people, even exceeding the number of cancer deaths, becoming the leading cause of death.

In his presentation, So explained in more detail how the animal industry could transmit bacteria resistant to humans, considering that more than 70% of the antimicrobials used in the world were intended for veterinary use.

In this sense, he emphasized that the transmission can come from the same farms or products that we buy and that we find in our tables. But it is also possible that it is transmitted by the remains of antibiotics that remain in the environment as a result of the use given in salmon farms.

For his part, Alejandro Buschmann, marine biologist and professor at the University of Los Lagos, said that salmon farming was generating residual concentrations of antibiotics in the marine environment, thus increasing the number of resistant bacteria that can affect animal production, but also increases the risks to human health.

Buschmann added that scientific evidence suggests that it is possible to transfer resistance genes from marine bacteria to humans and that the antibiotics used can enter the food chain and reach the end of life. To be human.

Liesbeth van der Meer, executive director of Oceana Chile, said, "In Chile, the salmon industry is the most widely used antibiotic, so investing in the industry is very important. science and innovation to understand bacterial resistance phenomenon generated by veterinary use ".

"In the case of salmon farming, bacterial resistance remains in the fjords of Chile and can then spread and affect those living or working near salmon farms. urgent to take measures to reduce the use of antibiotics, "he added.

At the same time, Brit Hjeltnes of the Norwegian Veterinary Institute explained how this country, the world's leading salmon producer, has managed to reduce antibiotic use to almost zero through a decline initial production. contrast with the reality of Chile, where the high use of antibiotics is one of the main problems of the industry.

In addition, Jorge Olivares, of the Catholic University of Valparaiso, presented his recent study establishing a clear relationship between the use of antibiotics and the presence of resistant bacteria in Atlantic salmon.

The day ended with a conversation in which experts made recommendations to end bacterial resistance. They agreed that it was necessary to reduce and regulate the use of antibiotics in salmon farming in Chile and invest in science and innovation in this domain.

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