The UTN High Council expressed concern about the budgetary situation


University Students

Budgetary Burst Due to a Late Game Transfer

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The Higher Council of the National University of Technology (UTN) ) expressed concern about the delay in the transfer of funds for operating expenses, the suspension of work and the requirement for "realistic exchange rates" to ensure that teachers and non-teachers do not lose purchasing power of their wages, according to the information DIARIOJUNIO .

Concern about Lack of Drugs, Milk and Supplies for AIDS Patients

Council Denounces Nation's Lack of Money for Various Health Programs

A draft resolution, drafted by Councilor Irma Bergalio (PJ), was approved this morning at the Council session. The note expresses concerns as the lack of money is reported for health care programs that are applied in the province, which, in turn, depend on the nation's Department of Health. The note expresses its solidarity with patients who see their health deteriorate because of these shortcomings in the treatments they perform.


They want to control that there are no incompatibilities

Minority councilors ask for reports on staff working in the municipality and the Cafesg [19659012] Click on the image to enlarge “/>

This morning, Councilors Carola Laner (renovator with only one front), Esteban Benítez (UCR-Change), Magdalena Reta de Urquiza and Nicolas Moulins (Change) have submitted a request for reports requesting data on employees working in the municipality and Cafesg simultaneously to check that there is no case of incompatibility. Reta de Urquiza confirmed to DIARIOJUNIO that a provincial law establishes that it is inconsistent to have two public functions. And also mentioned that it would be an unfair situation taking into account "so many people looking for work" that there are others who "have two".


The Justina law was approved: All the Argentineans will be organ donors

The Chamber of Deputies sanctioned Wednesday the bill on the transplantation of organs, tissues and cells, known as the "Justina Law". The bill amends the current law by introducing a series of changes to address the 11,000 people currently on the waiting list for an organ or tissue transplant. Justina Lo Cane, 12, died on November 22, 2017 after waiting three months for a heart to be transplanted. Next, DIARIOJUNIO details ten key points that aim to have more donors, but also, that the health system can respond in time and form so that these organs reach those who need them: [19659009] Police officers


Owners of a butcher shop on the provincial highway 22

Yesterday afternoon, around 17h00 , Yuqueri police station staff took control. the knowledge by a phone call, of a 47-year-old woman, domiciled in Provincial Road 22, at the height of km 9, of an badault on her property known as "Carnicería Ayala", according to the information sent to DIARIOJUNIO . The survivors, two armed hooded men, took a car, computers, phones and money.

Latest news

There are municipal offices and political links are being studied with the Celis gang.

Paraná: Police Federal offices attacked in the old racecourse

Federal police staff postponed Thursday morning a new operation in the capital of Entre Ríos. In a context of total secrecy, the procedure was developed in the headquarters of the former Almafuerte race track and in the place where they requisitioned a car that is used as remís. There are some municipal dependencies that have a relationship with the drug trafficking cause and are studying political links with the Celis gang.


The investment is nearly 9 million

They evaluate a "definitive" solution for the access road to Puerto Yeruá

From the Provincial Direction of the Roads this morning was reported DIARIOJUNIO which advances the rehabilitation of the access to Puerto Yeruá from the highway RN Nº 14. The works are in charge of the company Luis Losi SA, the official investment stands at $ 8,792,094.16 and the idea is, in general, to do milling tasks deformations, coating of these areas with replacement of asphalt mix, generalized patching and replacement of full length horizontal marking
To date, the work records an advance of 17.30%, in which were placed 306 tons of asphalt mix for patching, were 1838 square meters of existing soil for the correction of imperfections.



Four people were arrested for a homicide committed in 2017

Yesterday at noon, Division staff Investigations arrested four people for the murder of an 18-year-old man. years, Cristian Nicolás Gauto, whose body was found partially burned in the street Diamante and the railways, according to information sent to DIARIOJUNIO . Those arrested were: a 46-year-old woman, mother of a 20-year-old man and a 14-year-old minor, who was also detained, in addition to another 16-year-old minor.

Calendar of the Costa del Río Uruguay


Matthew x 6. July 7. 8 pm Theater Larrañaga. Salto.

2nd Federal Meeting and Cooperative Guitar. July 6th and 7th. Bowling Ducbade. Concordia

Yaguarí Partí: Divina Ciencia. July 7th 22 hrs. C. Gualeguaychú. Gualeguaychú

For more information, visit Contact: [email protected]


Judiciary Section

Justice rejected precautionary measure of the suspension of the elections of Iosper

Given the decisions taken in the elections of IOSPER by l & # 39. Provincial Executive, the Administrative Chamber of Paraná dismissed the precautionary measure. The Administrative Disputes Chamber No. 1, chaired by Gisela Schumacher and composed of Hugo Gozalez Elias and Marcelo Baridón, rejected the request for suspension required by the IOSPER Elections List No. 1 "until the delivery of executive power "; Just because the head of the executive power ruled, according to information sent to DIARIOJUNIO


GUALEGUAYCHÚ: crisis in the industry

Layoffs to Unilever: unchanged, the conciliation will continue Wednesday

After a mobilization of workers from 25 de Mayo and Rocamora at the local labor office, the parties met to discuss the conflict. Without reaching an agreement, all maintained their position and the conciliation hearing continued on Wednesday, 11 July.


Faced with prison overcrowding, the goal is to transfer premises

Senators of Cambiemos propose to house prisoners in the Argentinian army

The Bloc of Senators of Cambiemos recalls that eight months ago a draft communication was approved in the Upper House of Entre Ríos for which power is sought Executive who initiates negotiations with the Ministry of Defense of the Nation to transfer the available spaces of the Argentine Army, to accommodate the detainees of the Penitentiary Service. The initiative was presented by Raymundo Kisser, Roque Ferrari and Omar Schild who informed DIARIOJUNIO that the plan was presented as part of the discussion that was taking place at the time for respect of the Law on Drug Trafficking and in which there was an overcrowding of detainees in the penal units of the province



Open letter from the director of NEWS to the Minister Dujovne

In Congress, the senior official insisted not to explain what the magazine published on his millionaire tax evasion and his money laundering. money. "It's my privacy," he said. His Excellency, Minister of Finance and Treasury of the Argentine Republic. From my highest consideration, let us start by saying the letter signed by Edi Zunino magazine editor *. It was strictly speaking an "exclusive investigation" of the cover titled "Nicolás Dujovne, Chief of the Treasury / EVADIÓ, BLANQUEÓ Y ES MINISTER". Yesterday, in MPs Dujovne said that he will not respond to this investigation that is information provided by "criminals". Zunino responds


The cold turns into a hot zone the guard and the offices of the old hospital

Far from its decline, the Heras is more and more requested by patients

When the second stage of the Masvernat Hospital was opened in 2004, several services were closed in the former hospital of Heras. At that time, the ATE required that at least hospitalization, pediatrics, a doctor on call at night and the admission of at least ten beds be maintained. Time has finished giving the reason to the unionists. More and more patients are arriving, especially in winter. The current director, José Libardoni, said in May that 3,109 patients in day care and 5,600 outpatients were present. "But it was increased very significantly in June, we are on the border of 9,500, 10,000 people in outpatient clinics and guard about 3,500," he said DIARIOJUNIO .


This is a case related to Qunita's plan

DISSEMINATION DISCOVERY: Anibal Fernandez was fired

] The former chief of staff Aníbal Fernández, beaten and defamed by the group Clarín to pave the way for the good fairy of Vidal in the province of Buenos Aires. rejected in a case related to the Qunita plan. As you can imagine, who did the dirty work was "the judge of the towel", Claudio Bonadío. Strictly speaking, Bonadío dictated to him the inhibition of goods accused of supposed "fraudulent insolvency". Now, the federal judge Marcelo Martínez de Giorgi ordered the dismissal for "non-existence of crime" and, without even needing to make a statement of investigation, specified that the criminal investigation "does not affect in no way the reputation and honor they would have enjoyed ".



For the UIA, the government has lost control of foreign exchange and fears an industrial crisis

The board of directors of the business entity drew a critical panorama before the fall of the activity. Businessmen refused to cap the dollar because they felt that "the government was being devalued" and that in this way they "weakened" their political power, says the paper published by the business paper BAE. Durisimo, stress that "the government was left without money and without funding," and that this situation was one that "left in the hands of the market the decision to devalue the peso, without control of the economic cabinet."

Economy [19659047] According to the Abdala Foundation, inflation in June will be in the order of 4%


After the abandonment of any projection by the national government, in less than 24 hours, it has gone from an original calculation of inflation of 10 to 15 percent, and shortly after 15 to 17, the Institute of Labor and Economy recorded the highest inflation of the year last month. For Elypsis, core inflation for the sixth month of the year was 4.2%. All consultants expect annual inflation of about 30%.


Each sector will vote for its candidate

IOSPER: This Thursday, about 140,000 affiliates vote for social work

This Thursday at the hours of 8:00 am to 4:00 pm members of the IOSPER provincial social service will vote, as such, approximately 140,000 authorized members. Each elector will choose the candidate from his sector, that is to say, the municipal to his candidate, the teachers to theirs, as well as retirees, etc. they can do it in 184 paintings as they might know DIARIOJUNIO . One of the candidates for the City Manager is Concordia, Maximiliano Torres. The tables deserve to be highlighted, they will be distributed in schools, municipalities and courts of each locality. The following are details and voting locations at Concordia


He caught a bream of over 20 pounds

Praise of a river fault and magazine Gente at the pesca deportiva of Concordia

The football player Rodrigo Mora visited the city to share a pbadion that, according to him, started from his childhood thanks to his godfather: sport fishing. Vice triumphed on the Uruguay River, on the edge of Salto Grande, 18 kilometers north of Concordia. This is what tells us the sports newspaper "Olé", who devoted a long article to the River Plate attacker, who recounts how he enjoyed his visit to the region: "It's my first time at Concordia I loved it, the place and fishing. "


DIAMANTE: Claim of the direction of the Union of Meat

Conflict between the truckers and the grinder Motta affects the meat workers

The general secretary of the Diamant-Crespo branch of the Sindicato de la Carne, Elbio Schaab, expressed concern over the situation of the Frigorific factory of Motta Group to General Racedo, Diamond Department. Since Thursday, June 28, General Racedo carries out the verification of the trucks that enter the factories of the Motta group, leading the leaders of the Entre Rios truckers' union, in front of the refrigeration installations. The working conditions of drivers who enter the factory with their unit are checked, according to the report, with the badumption of irregular detected cases. But it hurts the workers of the refrigerator since yesterday, two teams, could work only one, according to the information sent to DIARIOJUNIO .


The mayor of the Federation badumed as chairman of the Forum of Stewards of Change

Application for license Varisco: "I think it is a decision that he must take", has said Cecco

Carlos Cecco, mayor of the Federation and fiery president of the Forum of Intendents of Cambiemos, when asked if the mayor of Paraná, Sergio Varisco, is due to take leave because of a lawsuit by Federal Judge Leandro Ríos – who is investigating relations between Varico and the narco chief Daniel Celis in Paraná – this morning in DIARIOJUNIO who prefers to be cautious in time to comment on the subject. "I think it's a decision we talked to him, he has to take it," Cecco said. On the other hand, he pointed out that he will request a hearing from Governor Gustavo Bordet to discuss public works for the governing municipalities and the resources that will be allocated to them in the province's 2019 budget. And he also intends to meet the Minister of the Interior, Rogelio Frigerio



Bisogni: Macri has turned the country into a "financial casino where a few friends of power win »

Uruguayan MP Marcelo Bisogni (Somos Entre Ríos) said that he has huge political coincidences with Governor Gustavo Bordet and for this reason he is very concerned about the direction taken by Argentina. "He has turned our country into a financial casino where some friends of power earn," he said. After meeting with the provincial chief, he mentioned that they made an badessment on the next budget submission of 2019 and the need for the province to have a political reform, according to information sent to ] DIARIOJUNIO Police

] Four persons detained

Federation: Entrance for narcomebado

Police personnel of the Toxicology Delegation of the city of Chjarí, Department of Federation, began an infringement proceeding yesterday afternoon to Provincial Law No. 10,566, marketing and sales of drugs on a smaller scale in knowledge of the Court of Guarantees of this locality. According to information sent to DIARIOJUNIO the police procedure of Entre Ríos to dismantle the illicit activity was conducted in a house located Calle Congreso de Oriente



The goal is to understand the public and private administration

Senators badyze a project to prevent gender violence in the workplace

The president of the FPV bloc, Senator Ángel Giano, presented last week a project to prevent gender violence in the workplace, public and private. "By receiving data and information from the victims of gender-based violence at work, we conclude that there is a legal void within Entre Ríos justice because in these cases, labor judges do not have the right to work. have no jurisdiction to act ". "And we are aware that the code applies to labor relations in private areas, where the state is not an employer and the initiative seeks to extend this application to the company. 39, public administration, "he added. in DIARIOJUNIO . The proposal involves a modification of the Code of Labor Procedure, which incorporates the title "Protection of workplace violence against women."

General Information


The rescuer who met Santiago Maldonado was distinguished

At the sitting of this Tuesday 3 In July, the Chamber of Deputies of Entre Ríos recognized the volunteer firefighter and the rescuer Diamond, Matías Albornoz, for his constant solidarity with others. According to the information sent to DIARIOJUNIO the distinction received by the young man had its origin in an initiative of the deputy, Jorge Monge, which was to be accomplished last year but because of the unexpected tasks of rescue and Albornoz rescue. postpone several times.


Technological Update of the Deliberative Council

Gay visits the Senate to internalize the electronic voting system

As part of the Digitization process of the Deliberative Council, the City Vice President, Armando Gay, was in the Senate of the province with the technical team of Lieutenant Governor Adán Bahl, internalizing on the running of the vote electronic. In this meeting held in the city of Paraná, Gay commented that "we knew and they explained to us the functioning of the electronic voting system that they use in the provincial Senate", according to information sent to DIARIOJUNIO . Provincial


The deputies approved half the "General Law on the protection of animals"

The Chamber of Deputies approved Tuesday the "General Law on the Protection of Animals" "This has a series of measures to protect domestic or domestic animals (dogs, cats, horses, etc.) In addition, it provides penalties for those who violate the rules and prohibits the creation by the State of shelters and / or center for abandoned animals As reported to DIARIOJUNIO the creation of the division "Protection of animals" within the police of Between Ríos was also approved.


"If we continue this way, we will have to close the Sanatorium"

Crisis: The director of Sanatorium Concordia acknowledges the serious state of affairs. institution

] Following the note published this Friday in DIARIOJUNIO where patients of the Concordator Sanatorium denounced the poor state of the institution, .php? noticia = 89575, this media also communicated with the director of the place, Juan Carlos Montangie, who acknowledged that "there are rooms and spaces neglected" but specified that for many years all the hospitals and sanatoria of the city are in a constant "state of alert", which has worsened with current inflation. "We will end up with a huge economic deficit and close the sanatoriums," warned the doctor. "Of course, nothing justifies that a room is not in the necessary conditions, or that there is a broken radiator, or beds in bad condition but it is also true that we are really outnumbered digital compared to our hospitalization "

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