It's been a year since Dom Hofman founder of Vine, announced that the popular video application would experience a triumphant return this year. However, Hofman had to delay the launch of the platform due to several legal issues that occurred during the process. Recently, he confirmed that "Vine 2.0" would arrive in 2019, but it is up to today that he announced the name change .

The successor to Vine will be called Byte and will be available in the spring of next year. You used your account to reveal the information and display the logo of the application. For the moment, there is no more information about this, although it is known for a long time that the platform will adopt the idea of ​​short videos.

our new video loop app calls byte. launch of spring 2019

– dom hofmann (@dhof) 8th November 2018

The vine has taken the path of uncertainty after being acquired by Twitter in 2016. The social network eventually closed a little later, however, nowadays, compilations of videos that have triumphed in the off service still appear. The vineyard was a place where many people managed to make themselves known, but they eventually had to move to other platforms such as YouTube or Instagram to continue their work.

Hofman believes that he still has a chance to succeed with Byte even though the video industry is currently very competitive. The founder told TechCrunch that they had the economic resources and the human team needed to come up with a new product. At present, Byte already has a Twitter account and a website displaying only a form to subscribe to the news about the application.

Although ] the public has expressed support for the new project it is still Too early to say that Byte will be able to make one of the biggest eggs in the industry. Times have changed and it seems unlikely that they will become a shadow for Instagram. We will surely know more features of the application in the coming months and the future prospects will be clearer.

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