The waters! WhatsApp already warns if you sent a message


Reuters and the world

Bombay / 19.07.2018 23:46:21

WhatsApp started showing ads to its users when they transmit messages. For the moment not everyone has this option enabled and the update does not guarantee to receive it because it does not seem to depend entirely on the version of the application.

For months, we had anticipated this new message delivery guarantee, although at first it seemed much more "aggressive" in its ads: if you wanted a message, it would warn both the recipient of the message Transmitted as the person who first wrote it .

However, in the version that was implemented finally, only the recipient is notified, not the sender. It is unclear what prompted WhatsApp to make this change at the last moment, since warning all parties of the transmission of the message seemed to be a way to ensure that something that would have been said would not end in a foreign cat without your knowledge.

At this time, the dreaded update that would include audited accounts of brands and companies that could send messages to users, which on paper would be to introduce direct advertising for the first time in WhatsApp . The tension for this type of change is what led to the gradual departure of the founders of the application after its purchase by Facebook .

Message Transmission Limit

WhatsApp Started A test to apply limits to message transfer that will apply to all its users, reported Thursday the courier application owned by Facebook Inc, Following a series of violent incidents in India motivated by fake messages on social networks

WhatsApp noted that in India, it will also test a lower transmission limit – to five conversations – and will remove the button to quickly share multimedia messages ] The inhabitants of India transmit more messages, photographs and of videos than any other country in the world.

Murders and deaths caused by false incendiary messages in India Largest Whatsapp Market with over 200 Million Users Generated a public relations nightmare for the company and prompted the authorities to take immediate action.


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