The white shark found in Spanish waters for the first time in decades


A marine conservation group announced that it had seen a specimen of white shark this week in front of the Balearic Islands, the first such discovery in Spanish waters for at least 30 years.

The Alnitak organization etched the shark, which he said was 5 meters long, Thursday in the waters of the island of Cabrera, in the east of the island. 39, Spain, and followed him for over an hour, he announced on Facebook with a photograph of the copy. In recent years, there were possible unconfirmed observations and various rumors, but this is the first scientific discovery of the presence of Carcharodon [tiburón blanco] in Spanish waters for at least 30 years, "he writes.

Alnitak says that the shark was located during a fact-finding mission on sea turtles, sperm whales, dolphins, rays and bluefin tuna

L & # 39; team is also working on the location of small pieces of ticos plastic waste in the sea.

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