The widow of Pablo Escobar launches a book where he speaks about rape


He recounts in detail his relationship with Pablo Escobar, his family life and his personal aspects, as a rape at age 14, while he was the girlfriend of the Cartel of the Cartel of Medellín, . María Victoria Henao, marries Escobar in a 500-page book where, for the first time, he tells the story of the legendary drug dealer from his point of view.

Henao who, after the death of Escobar Gaviria, had to flee Colombia from the threats of her husband's enemies and had to change her name to María Isabel Santos Caballero, badures that at that time she did not felt not ready to have bad, but that she did nothing to prevent it, adding that after that she understood that she had been raped.

"[ I do not feel comfortable presenting myself as a victim of my husband, because of the great respect I owe to other victims ," he explains. in a preview of the book entitled "Pablo Escobar: My Life and My Prison", published by the Daily Mail.

In his story, he also recounts how La Catedral prison, a place specially designed to stay on the drug track, was used only for Escobar to act in a protected form, because it maintained a luxurious life and continued to lead comfortably the activity that made her millionaire and the criminal organization she led.

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