The world remembers and pays tribute to Mandela in his centennial


The day he was 100 years old, South Africa and the international community paid tribute to the memory of Nelson Mandela, the most famous hero of the fight against the regime of racial segregation of the world. ;apartheid.

Great official act, in the Eastern Cape Province of his homeland, the country's president, Cyril Ramaphosa, former heads of state and fellow activists of the African National Congress celebrated the legacy of this fighter who has dedicated his life to achieving a just society "He sacrificed his legal career, sacrificed his freedom.Although when confronted with the prospect of the death penalty, he defiantly reaffirmed the Moral superiority of the ideals of freedom, justice and equality, "Ramaphosa said of the country's first black and democratic president

. Graça Machel, the third wife, led a symbolic march towards Mandela's "long road to freedom"

Frederik de Klerk, the last Afrikaner president, who together with Mandela was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993 for the dismantling of apartheid, He said the leader was a great politician, a great man and an example.

Similarly, thousands of South Africans have participated in donations of food and donations, concerts, sporting events and conferences across the country. as a transversal value

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