The world's largest economies enter a trade war


The United States and China, the world's largest economies, have been conducting the "biggest trade war in history" since yesterday in a scenario in which Russia is also confronted with the protectionism of the president Donald [19659002] Trump .

At the beginning of the day, Washington began applying heavy tariffs out of a total of $ 34 billion in imports of Chinese products, especially advanced technologies.

Beijing reacted immediately with tariffs on US products and filed an official complaint with the World Trade Organization (WTO)

Russia she also announced additional duties of 25% to 40% on the importation of US products.
Moscow is also preparing retaliatory measures to US tariffs on the importation of steel and aluminum, which they had also been prosecuted before the WTO [19659006] Thus, the US decision opened a conflict with unpredictable consequences, on the scale of adversaries and systemic effects.

The Chinese Ministry of Commerce said in a statement. "Forced" to impose reprisals to "defend the fundamental interests of the country and its people".

The Beijing government did not give immediate details on the amount and nature of its measures, although the official Xinhua agency said they imposed "additional customs duties" on American products

Jack Daniel's soybeans, sorghum, cars, pork heads, pistachios or whiskey are some of the American products referred to China .

The Chinese government accuses Washington of launching "the biggest trade war of economic history" and denounces that "the United States has violated the rules of the World Trade Organization (WTO)."

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang warned that a trade war "does not benefit anyone."

"Compensation Measures" by Trump

In total, they will be 50 billion dollars worth Chinese imports a year will be affected by tariff measures, intended to offset what the President of the United States, Donald Trump considers the "theft" of intellectual property and technologies of China.

But Washington could go further. Trump has asked his trade representative, Robert Lighthizer, "to identify $ 200 billion worth of Chinese goods for 10% additional duties."

Thus, these measures could reach $ 450 trillion the value of the Chinese products taxed, ie the vast majority of imports arriving in the United States from the Asian giant ($ 505,600 million in 2017).

The entry into force of these tariffs marks the failure of months of negotiations between the two largest economies in the world, and when the voices of the industry put in guard against the negative consequences for the United States.

their exports will be less competitive.

New batch, in two weeks

Washington has imposed 25% duty on more than 800 Chinese products. A second batch of tariffs, at $ 16 billion and subject to review by the trade representative, Robert Lighthizer, will soon come into effect, said President Donald Trump, who spoke of a period of " two weeks".

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