There is a supermassive black hole in the center of the galaxy


Scientists confirm in theory that radiation emitted by Sagittarius A * is suspected

There is an undeniable fixation of humanity with supermbadive black holes . But the confirmation of its existence is always disturbing.

Just as it happened with Sagittarius A * a formation which is at the center of our galaxy; but it had been a mystery for all for years. Until now

According to an official announcement communicated by the European Observatory of (ESO) . A group of scientists used the Very Large Telescope (VLT) to observe the flares of infrared radiation from the debris disk surrounding Sagittarius A *.

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<p> In parallel, the researchers used the interferometer of the GRAVITY telescope to observe three luminous bursts in orbit around the formation; the same as they were going at a speed equivalent to 30% of the speed of light. </p>
<p>  These eruptions are caused by the hot gases that revolve around Sagittarius A *; in conjunction with the magnetic fields that surround it. </p>
<p>  The conjunction of all these phenomena represents the absolute proof that Sagittarius A * is in reality a supermbadive black hole. </p>
<p>  The ESO has therefore edited this special video in which it shows simulation of what the phenomenon would be; because of the rhythm of the flares. </p>
<p>  This is the first time this material is observed so close to the event horizon of a supermbadive black hole. </p>
<p>  And the best thing is that it's in the center of our galaxy. </p>
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