"There is no age limit": the SBIF's response to the case of pensioners who ended up without a card | National


The Superintendence of Banks and Financial Institutions (SBIF) decided to start the discussion to try to settle the discussion concerning the regulation of certain financial products and the possible existence of age limits to subscribe them.

The above, following the letter to the editor who wrote last Friday to El Mercurio Mrs. Ilka Soza, 78 years to whom his bank did not renew his card credit.

In the text entitled "Waiting for the coach", the retired teacher explains her situation. "I want to tell you how my claims to renew my credit card in the voice of my manager have ended: Your card with the expiry date 07/18 is not renewed. is not granted to people over the age of 72. Reason: Age Cause: Risk Reason: My possible death Guilty: The insurance companies Victim: Me, "he accused.

Faced with this, the SBIF emphasized "that there is no regulation that imposes an age limit to subscribe financial products."

"The SBIF requires banks and card issuers to badess each client's risk based on their ability to meet their payment obligations," they added.

precedes, from the point of view of the entity, there is no age limit to deliver the products and, beyond the legal requirements applicable to all people, each institution determines the terms and

"The rights of the elderly and all consumers in financial matters are protected by the law on the protection of consumer rights ," they warned.

For his part, Ilka Soza returned to the fray on Thursday through the second version of his letter: "Waiting for Car II." There, he complained of a press call. for an interview, that he did not agree, but who nevertheless put the brief conversation on the cover that they had.

There he revealed that everything was born because of his interest in hiring Netflix . For the same, in the same letter thanked the offer of the company to give him free access, which also rejected. "My desire is to pay for the service, but I appreciate the gesture," he admitted.

He also gave his words to the businessmen who contacted him to offer him his cards and means of payment. The same thing has decreased. "After more than 45 years of work, I am reluctant to accept free gifts that could be solved," he said.

"I am not looking for charity. I do not expect commiseration before death.I am a pbadenger living in the coach that my banking executive has foretold I just want to renew the credit card, mine and others who are walking with me, "he said in closing.

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