There was no progress and the government will give the same increase



The executive offered an increase of $ 1,200 to the basic clause, a quarterly trigger clause, the non-surrender of the days of unemployment and to maintain the validity of the previous bonus of $ 1,500.

29/06/2014 02:00 am

. negotiations with teachers, the government concluded yesterday parity. It was by a resolution of the secretary of labor. There was a new proposal of $ 1,200 to the basic clause with trigger for the months of September and December that was rejected. In this context, the decision was now in the hands of Governor Mariano Arcioni, who would give the increase by decree.
The meeting was held at the Deportivo Hotel Rawson. Although the wage discussion was completed by the government, at the end of this edition, officials remained locked up in the establishment with joint union representatives. Protesters outside had blocked all the issues. Attorney Osvaldo Heiber tried to negotiate to free the area.

Dinner together

Inside the hotel, around 9:30 pm, was preparing dinner. The menu that was going to be offered was milanesas with carrot salad. From one side of the table, the officials, on the other hand, the unionists were going to dinner in company, unable to go out through the gates.

Meeting 5 am

For nearly 5 hours, they met yesterday. Although with the change of place. This time the summit with ATECh, Sitraed and Sadop took place at the Hotel Deportivo in the capital. After several intermediate rooms, the Executive took the last bid of $ 1,200, with the clause updating in September and December according to the price index. The answer was negative, and the unions asked for a base of $ 1,500 at the base so that it could be considered with the basics.
The government also announced that days of unemployment would not be ruled out, as a gesture to conclude the agreement. At the end of the joint initiative, provincial officials remained stranded because they were surrounded by fires that had been lit at all outlets. They waited for the arrival of the prosecutor to guarantee security.
In this context, the Under-Secretary for Financial Coordination, Luis Tarrío, confirmed that "the negotiation is over, there is no other example and now it is in the hands of the governor s & # 39; 39, he decides to go ahead with the decree. It was completed with a notification from the Ministry of Labor. "
The law has only been signed by the provincial authorities. There, the guilds made it clear that they would wait outside and not leave until an offer responding to the workers' request arrived.
In dialogue with Jornada, ATECh's finance secretary, Marcela Capón, badured that "in the beginning they came back with the offer of $ 1000. After several twists, they came back with an offer of 1 $ 200. They said it was as far as they could go.And we rejected it and we said the minimum we could put into consideration with the basics was the amount of $ 1,500 at the base. "
The chef recalled that "we were frozen for a year, with offers that made us a real mockery. And during all those months that have pbaded and that were very difficult, it was with the provocation of Mammarelli and now of the Minister of the Government Federico Mbadoni. "
According to this newspaper might know, some of the regional ATECH referents did not coincide with the leadership and wanted to take the proposal to schools to vote on the mandates and define there according to the majorities.

Total Refusal

The Minister of Education, Graciela Cigudosa, spoke about what happened in the context of a new meeting with teachers' unions in the United States. framework of the wage bill for the sector.
The official said that, once again, they found a total refusal of the guilds to advance in any kind of dialogue: "Today, we returned after last night, we were locked up until 39, at 5 o'clock in the evening or Patagonian INDEC, so we agreed to this, at the extension of the meeting.Now they are asking for the 1.500 at the base and for us it is impossible. the Minister of the Economy offered $ 1,200 to the base and we also offered the guarantee of no discount on the day of unemployment, which the governor had already confirmed asking them to return to the clbadrooms and to unblock the conflict. "
"The governor did not want to discount for measures of strength, even had already offered them, but in return wanted to resume dialogue with the boys in the clbad, and without the shots." The teachers said no and the governor was determined to dismiss these days.we picked up on this and decided not to neglect, but they also rejected it. "
Regarding the protesters posted on the doors of the facilities of the Hotel Deportivo where the paritaria was developing, Cigudosa explained that "we can not leave, we have fire in all the income, we are waiting the prosecutor for give us the guarantees of departure, it's the same thing that happened Wednesday at dawn.The union representatives do not want to withdraw, asking us to make a new salary proposal. "
"We can not be like that anymore, there is a level of aggression and intransigence with which it is difficult to dialogue. It is difficult to work outside the ministry, all the logistical work that we do not have. can not do because we can not enter, "he concludes.



teaching staff


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