There would be no iPhone 5G before 2020


It seems that Apple will try to squeeze more users before making the jump.

It seems that the development of the iPhone 5G is not a source of worry Tim Cook and the rest of Apple. The operators redoubled their efforts to put this next-generation network into service before the end of 2018.

At the same time, smartphone manufacturers are about to launch terminals capable of firing part of this new network. However, at Apple, things are going much more slowly.

As reported by the people of Fast Company several informants within the company said that there really was no plan to launch an iPhone. 5G until 2020.

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<p> A long time ago, Apple would have tested with other models. But informants claim that this future iPhone will use a modem <strong> Intel 8161 5G </strong>. </p>
<p>  However, during their evaluations of the last few months, they had serious battery performance issues. Since the 5G connection would drain (even more) the low autonomy of the terminals. </p>
<p>  Unfortunately, the lawsuit brought by Apple against <strong> Qualcomm </strong> seems to require them to resolve this dispute. </p>
<p>  that they would not use the components of the manufacturer who better control this connection technology. </p>
<p>  The good news is that iPhone users now have an excuse to jump to Android. Totally foreign to the exorbitant price of each model. </p>
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