These exercises lose weight more than running


  These Exercises Are Thinner Than Running

Some sports may be more effective than running to burn calories.


Cristina Soria

It is true that being thin is still in vogue. But if you do not like running or if you are tired of always doing the same sport, you can choose a lot of others that will burn you as many calories or more as the run.

"Kettlebells" or Russian Weight

The kettlebells have the shape of a ball with two handles and can cause us to lose about 300 calories in a 30 minute session, while toned the body and worked the strength and balance.

  Kettlebells or kettlebells "itemprop =" image "src =" -622-13 / bell-z.jpg VIEW GALLERY

Losing fat using these weights is relatively simple. On the one hand, when you train with them the metabolic expenditure of is very high, and, on the other hand, the fact that the type of exercises performed is part of # 39, a strength training, we create a muscle mbad. And this muscle mbad is responsible for burning the calories we have in our fat stores.

Read: Discover Ca-Co: The Advantages of Running and Walking

Skipping Rope

Some studies claim that 10 minutes of skipping rope equals 30 minutes of running at the same time of fat burning and cardiovascular improvement. The idea is that skipping rope is more effective when dealing with fat because there are more muscles involved. And that can be more fun than running, because there is a wide variety of jumps that make it a very enjoyable exercise.

  Jump to the rope "itemprop =" image "src =" http: / / 0-622-12 / comba-z.jpg GALERIEVERVER

In addition, the skipping rope greatly improves our balance and coordination, helps to develop bone mbad, by preventing the appearance of osteoporosis, reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes and strengthens your heart, thus preventing possible cardiovascular disease.


This is a basic exercise in almost all workout routines, but the truth is that it delivers incredible results if it is practiced with perseverance. They are without a doubt an excellent exercise to lose weight, while working different muscles of the body and stimulating the cardiovascular system. And if you want the exercise to be even more complete, you can add weight work while doing it.

The most important is to learn to handle them properly to avoid injury and derive all the benefits: improve posture and prevent back pain, increase the density of leg bones, firm up the bad and abdominals, and improve physical stamina. 19659012] Read: Did you know that weight training helps to strengthen the heart?

The "Battle Ropes"

are large strings in length of approximately 29 meters in length and approximately 40 mm in thickness allowing excellent physical work with a low common impact. In general, training with them involves taking the rope in the end to shake them up with force. In this way, and by introducing variations, resistance, power, balance, etc. are worked

 Fighting ropes "itemprop =" image "src =" - 622-14 / rope-z.jpg VIEW GALLERY

If you train closely with them, you will be able to burn fat in a simple and effective way, in addition to getting a flat belly, improve muscle tone, gain strength, improve your aerobic and muscular endurance with a complete body workout.

& # 39; Burpees & # 39;

This is a bending of the ground accompanied by a jump. It is a high-intensity exercise that helps burn many calories, while working with different muscles: pectoral, abdominal core, triceps, glutes and quadriceps. Running them properly is quite complex and it is highly recommended that you learn to make a personal trainer.

Thanks to them, you can burn calories in a fun way, even if they are tired of doing it, and improve stamina and muscle tone, in addition to & # 39; 39, increase muscle capacity.

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