These foods prevent premature death


The consumption of long chain omega-3 polyunsaturated fish and fatty acids found in walnuts, sunflower seeds and linseed oil decreases the probability of premature death study published in the journal & # 39; Journal of Internal Medicine & # 39; by Y. Zhang, a leading research scientist.

Scientists and researchers supervised the lifestyle and diet of 240 thousand 729 men and 180 thousand 580 women for 16 years and during this period the people who participated consumed quantities different fish per day .

After observing data and figures from 16 years of research, scientists concluded that men who ate more fish had reduced by 9% the possibility of premature death and 10% death rates due to cardiovascular diseases .

In the same tenor the women reduced the death rate by 8% and in 38% the possibility of brain death by Alzheimer's disease .

To make matters worse, scientists pointed out that regular consumption of fish reduced the probability of death due to liver disease, cancer and acute respiratory diseases .

Despite the good result, the researchers emphasized the importance of frying the fish before consuming it to avoid contracting diseases such as & nbsp; anisakiasis & # 39; ; which is a condition caused by ] eats raw fish that can lead to death.

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