They accuse mobile data manufacturers of spying and marketing without permission


Photo: RT / Referential

(Caracas, Aug. 08, 2012) – A report released by the Washington Post this week says dozens of mobile manufacturers, including the Chinese Xiaomi and Huawei and the American Blu would spy and market the data of their users without the consent.

According to the badysis, these brands work in agreement with advertising companies for mobile devices like the Taiwanese GMobil, which through the pre-installation of a "software", mainly in the low-end devices, allows access to different codes (such as IMEI number and MAC address).

For its part, Xiaomi and Huawei denied these links and GMobile states that it is not responsible for any malicious activity or illegal.

The security company Upstream Systems, which has identified the activity of Gmobil, emphasizes that its goal is to obtain very specific data, such as geographical location, and to send an advertisement personalized to the user. In return for the information, GMobil offers manufacturers free software and firmware updates.

Upstream Systems predicts that Taiwanese has partnered with more than 100 smartphone manufacturers and is present in nearly 2,000 models of Android smartphones and more than 150 million users in countries such as India, Brazil, Pakistan, Vietnam and China itself.

Selling cheap smartphones to attract buyers, but at the expense of their personal information, is a strategy that works especially in countries that do not strictly adhere to privacy laws.

With information from RT

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