They accuse the arrest of a journalist in Nicaragua


They attack the health staff

MANAGUA (EFE and Notimex) .- Health workers yesterday reported that they are the subject of illegal detention, threats, badaults and prosecutions, accused of "traitors" to treat wounded protests in Nicaragua, whose death toll has increased dramatically to 448.

A day after Nicaraguans have marked the 100 days of protests against the president Daniel Ortega with an artistic demonstration with which they reiterated their demand for justice, freedom and democracy Health workers reported that the persecution of the government reached the country's hospitals.

Labor lawyer José Lopez, of the Standing Committee on Human Rights (CPDH), said he had received about forty complaints from health workers. are victims of harbadment at their place of work.

Indicates that plaintiffs claim to be accused of "collaboration" with Nicaraguans They were cut off in barricades and at universities, while they were treating their wounds. "Some were illegally detained, others received threats or were victims of discrimination and aggression," he said.

Lopez stated that this situation resulted from lists published by Sandinista activists on social networks, in which they emphasize their collaboration. Demonstrations against Ortega and his wife, Vice President Rosario Murillo, according to reports in the newspaper La Prensa

"Sandinista activists, meet the opportunists, sell the homeland working in the hospital solidarity, enjoy the government and steal … scoundrels, they bite the hand that feeds them, like all traitors, "reads one of the lists that circulate on social networks

" These are the criminal intruders ( road blockers) who provide drugs and stolen materials to Juigalpa hospital ", says another of the messages.

In addition, Lopez reported that a dentist and a doctor were captured with Violence by the police when they helped the young entrenched at the National Autonomous University of Nicaragua (UNAN), and that she was released six days after staying at the center known as El Chipote. 19659003] In another case, a shrink Chologue was arrested by police during the so-called "Operation Cleanse" led by the government and accused of terrorism for providing food to protesters who were on the barricades in the Monimbó neighborhood, in the nearby town of Masaya

Doctors who helped at the Polytechnic University of Nicaragua are persecuted and harbaded by supporters of Ortega "for the simple act of helping the wounded," said the labor prosecutor who did not specify how these complaints would be handled.

a day after 100 days of protests in the country, in which at least 448 people died, including 97 on July 11, according to the latest report of the Nicaraguan Association of Human Rights (Anpdh ).

Figures from the non-governmental organization show that "in the last 15 days, an average person died every six hours, which reflects" a strong attack by the government against the defenseless population, a serious violation of human rights, "the report said.

The Anpdh data far surpbades the latest issue published this week by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights. (CIDH), according to which he made 295 dead, including three foreigners, a Guatemalan, an American and a Brazilian.

In a letter, civil and employer organizations asked the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) to address the socio-political crisis in Nicaragua as a matter of urgency.

Noticiero Acción 10 reported yesterday that one of his journalists covering the ciopolítica crisis was captured by the National Police in the city of Jinotega (north).

After announcing the arrest of Paco Espinoza, the local television Channel 10 asked the freedom for the colleague, to respect the press work of his environment

Espinoza, a former correspondent of the Channel 8 television , was captured in the town of Matagalpa, a neighbor of Jinotega, on an unspecified date.

Two days ago the journalist, who said he had a warrant for arrest against him, he published in his social networks that they had not yet "seized" him.

"And if I do not answer anymore, it is that I am in El Chipote (prison with torture complaints) or buried with my brothers". On 19 July, as the Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN) celebrated the 39th anniversary of the Nicaraguan Revolution, Espinoza reported receiving a death threat, to which he replied "no one here is afraid of". The journalist was captured in the midst of a crisis that left between 295 and 448 dead in protests against Ortega since April 18, including the journalist Angel Gahona.

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