They agree to send gas from Vaca Muerta to Chile in October


The Minister of Energy, Javier Iguacel, revealed that in October "we will return to export gas to Chile after 11 years", after a meeting held in Santiago , in Chile, with his Trasandina Susana Jiménez

The holders of the energy portfolios held a meeting to badyze the scope of the binational work table created in the agreement of Import, export and marketing of energy resources between the two countries.

In a press article published by the Ministry of Energy, it was reported that this agreement is already seeing its first results. After the meeting of the two authorities, it was possible to confirm the import of unconventional natural gas from Argentina in October this year, especially from Neuquén to Bio Bío.

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In addition, the status of unconventional gas production in the Austral basin and possible exports of natural gas to the Magallanes Region, reaffirming the interest of Chile to have supply of natural gas for the southern and southern areas of Argentina.

"Vaca Muerta will give us gas in abundance so that the inhabitants of Argentina and Chile benefit from a much cheaper gas, achieving a much cleaner and more economical economy. green, with less pollution, "says Minister Iguacel

IN OCTOBER WE WILL EXPORT GAS TO CHILE AFTER 11 YEARS !!! ???? today in Chile with the Minister of Energy @susanajimenezs We ratify the commitment of energy exchange with our neighboring country. #SiSePuede #NoParamos #EstoEsRealidad pic / ZEqGtfzWNw

– Javier Iguacel (@JavierJiguacel) July 20, 2018

The goal of meeting focused on the measures to implement the agreement Protocol Export, import, marketing and transport of electricity and natural gas signed last April by Presidents Sebastián Piñera and Mauricio Macri.

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The agreement states that these operations may be performed provided that they do not compromise the internal supply do not affect the safety of the operation, nor the quality and reliability of natural gas and electricity transmission and distribution services In each country.


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