They approve the investigation commission by Enap


With the mission to investigate any irregularities in the investments made by the National Oil Company (Enap) during the period 2014-2018, the Chamber of Deputies yesterday approved the creation of 39, a research commission

The initiative, which was approved by 63 votes, is to verify the possible effects of these disbursements on the financial statements of the state company in the period indicated.

The company argued that the arguments for creating this commission have to do with aspects that have already been studied by the corresponding supervisory bodies, such as the controller, who in his audit report, n & # 39; It has not established any sanctions or ordered the examination of any operation conducted by the State.

Enap's chairman, Loreto Silva, said that "Enap is fundamental to Chile's energy development and, as a result, as a board of directors, we examined each of its sectors of activity and put all our dedication. acin to advance in the construction of an Enap efficient and sustainable. "

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