They arrest a man for brutal homicide in Hualpen: the attacker would miss a hand | National


Carabineros de Hualpén arrested a man who brutally attacked another motivated by previous quarrels

The previous Rencillas was reportedly the cause of a homicide in the municipality of Hualpen, Bío Bío region .

arrived at the intersection of the crossing Flanders and Belgrade, when the victim of about 40 years, and the aggressor, a man of 46 who did not have one of his hands by coincidences of life were gathered in this corner.

A year ago they knew each other and in the past they would have had a case related to the sale of drugs situation of which the aggressor would not have been satisfied, who would have sworn revenge.

According to police information provided by witnesses of fact, both were found and began an altercation that happened to the aggression.

The victim ended up with several bursts made with a butcher's knife or, causing serious injury, which forced to be transferred by Samu's staff to Higueras Hospital of Talcahuano where he is finally dead.

This was indicated by Captain Juan Chiari of the fourth Hualpen Police Station.

After an intense police operation, the accused was captured on the tracks at the intersection of Avenida Alemania with Las Golondrinas.

During the day, staff of Penitentiary Penitentiary Penquista conducted expert reports on the crime scene and the recording of witnesses, relevant context for his control of the detention.

It is expected that this Sunday the alleged aggressor, who has a large police record will be available at the corresponding warrant court.

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