They arrest the alleged perpetrator of the murder of the Pichidegua municipal councilor – National



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The alleged perpetrator of the homicide of the counselor of Pichidegua is arrested. The subject was arrested in San Vicente and will be transferred to the municipality of Rancagua. In the meantime, the IDP is taking new measures. Tvn


During the afternoon of this Friday the PDI arrested the alleged murderer of Tulio Rojas counselor by the municipality of Pichidegua discovery lifeless this week.

The arrest took place in San Vicente, where troops are currently conducting new proceedings to obtain more information on the case. Meanwhile the subject will soon be transferred to Rancagua .

After being found dead last Tuesday, the IDP subsequently confirmed that the body of the public official was seriously injured and injured in the head, thus dismissing the thesis. preliminary studies that suggested a risk of suicide.

The proceedings also showed that in the victim's car, at the location of the body, traces of blood were found inside and around the vehicle.

According to information provided by TVN Red O. Higgins


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