They arrested the porn actress who claims to have had an affair with Donald Trump


Stormy's lawyer, Daniel, denounced the fact that it was an infiltration operation Source: Reuters

WASHINGTON. Porn actress Stormy Daniels is once again present, but for none of her sayings. The woman, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford and who told the press that she had bad with the current president of


Donald Trump
in 2006, while he was already married (what he denies), she was detained in an Ohio strip club accused of having allowed clients to touch her, an act that violates the law of the state. Later, court records reported that the three counts of crime were removed.

The 39-year-old actress, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, was charged with touching three clients, who were undercover detectives, in the incident. early Thursday, police said in Columbus, Ohio, in a statement. His lawyer Michael Avenatti described the approaches as "non-badual".

Meanwhile, a local media badures that two police detectives and an officer boarded Daniels – who was bad – on stage after her.

The Ohio Standard, known as the Community Defense Act, prohibits anyone, except a family member, from touching a naked or half-naked dancer.

The wrong drink was short-lived: Daniels was released before 6:00 am today after paying a $ 6,000 bail and after pleading not guilty to all three counts of misdemeanors. And his lawyer does not remain silent. He badured that the whole episode is nothing more than a political farce climb.

She was arrested for allegedly allowing a client to touch her while he was on stage in a non-badual way! Are you kidding? Do they devote law enforcement resources to sting operations for this? There must be higher priorities !!!
#Basta & – Michael Avenatti (@MichaelAvenatti)
12 July 2018

"It was an absolute trap, it is absurd that police resources be used to conduct a clandestine operation related to customers who touch dancers in a strip club. a non-badual way "says Avenatti.

"I am happy to report that the charges against my client @stormydaniels have been completely withdrawn," later posted Avenatti on Twitter, thanking prosecutors for their "professionalism".

Daniels statement in which he apologized to his fans in Columbus for canceling his show.

Daniels is trying to Justice to cancel an agreement signed in 2016 for which she received $ 130,000 in exchange for her silence on the relationship that would have had with Trump in 2006. The agreement was signed just before the presidential election of 2016. The bad actress claims the cancellation of the same, arguing that it was not signed by the president.

But Trump denies having a relationship with her, despite the fact that her attorney Michael Cohen said that she had paid Daniels $ 130,000 out of her pocket

  Stormy Daniel's attorney denounced that it was an infiltration operation
Stormy's lawyer denounced a secret operation Source: Reuters [19659020] AP agencies, Reuters and AFP

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