They ask Ortega to cooperate with the solution to the crisis in Nicaragua


The Permanent Council of the Organization of American States (OAS) on Friday urged the Nicaraguan government to end the crackdown, demanded that it begin a dialogue of reconciliation and authorize regional organizations to restore peace in the country.

The meeting at the request of the Permanent Council's Working Group on Nicaragua follows Amnesty International's new report released on Thursday, saying that in recent months, far from To keep down and facilitate the country's reconciliation process, Ortega intensified the crackdown through the "Operation Cleaning".

Among the facts enumerated to testify to the increased repression in Nicaragua, OAS members spoke of the arbitrary arrest of 38 people on October 14 by the police authorities

. This fact has caused rejection at the local level as well as at the local level. art of the international community. This is the latest incident with which Nicaragua is attempting to silence social protests that have left more than 300 dead, wounded and displaced by an exodus that is affecting the region.

The representative of Chile, Hernán Salinas, on behalf of the Standing Group Party on Nicaragua, said that the twelve Member States will continue to fulfill their mission until the solution to the crisis is found and urge the Government Daniel Ortega to cooperate with the solution.

Salinas recalled that the group had established the past August, led by Canada, will continue to support efforts to promote the national dialogue.

The Executive Director of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), Paulo Abrao, said in a report that those who seek to denounce human rights violations and violations committed in Nicaragua are victims of arbitrary arrests, torture, intimidation and violence.

"The repression is extended (…) The Catholic Church is attacked," said the IACHR Friday, in addition to denouncing the ill-treatment suffered by relatives of detainees. by the government, among other things that undermine the state of the rights.

Abrao urged the Nicaraguan government to provide data on the deaths and victims of protests that began last April. He also asked them to let him enter prisons and other institutions, as well as to access the detainees' files.

"The figure of 24 children killed in the context of the events taking place in Nicaragua is" very serious ", said Abrao.

During the meeting, representatives of countries such as Peru, Costa Rica, Canada, Paraguay, Argentina, the United States, Mexico, Uruguay and Colombia have expressed concerns.

] "We call Nicaragua to release all the world … We again call on the Nicaraguan Government to cooperate "in investigating the events since last April," said the representative of Mexico.

Nicaragua and its allies demonstrate the OAS

Before the presentation on Friday Second Report of the Working Group on Nicaragua to the Permanent Council of the OAS, the representatives of Nicaragua, Venezuela and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines were rejected

The representative of the Government of Ortega expressed her "firm rejection and stated that the meeting was "interventionist".

The representative of Venezuela stated that her government "rejected" the appeal and stated that its results were "void and unenforceable".

"In Washington, terrorists are called peaceful protesters", said the Venezuelan representative to the OAS Friday, in her speech of solidarity with the government of Ortega

A first report, issued on September 12, condemned the acts of violence and the lack of rights suffered by the country and adopted a resolution asking Ortega to dialogue and put an end to violations of human rights.

The resolution "On the recent events in Nicaragua" was adopted in September [19659020] by 19 votes in favor, 4 against and 9 abstentions.

As part of the efforts of the agency to cope with the crisis in Nicaragua, the Secretary General of the OAS, Luis Almagro, met Thursday the oppo to this country.

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