They ask Ramiro Mendoza to resign from the presidency of the Council of Modernization


The first deputy speaker of the Chamber of Deputies, Jaime Mulet, made an urgent appeal to the President of the Republic, Sebastián Piñera, that he demand the resignation of the former controller and current president of the Advisory Council for Modernization of the State, Ramiro Mendoza.

This, because, according to him, "his act in 2010, while it would have ordered the conclusion of a summary in the context of fraud in the carabineros, is at least an act of negligence and does not fit the role that Exercise does today. "

For the deputy of the Socialist Regional Socialist Federation, the first statements of Ramiro Mendoza as part of the investigation conducted by Judge Eugenio Campos on the case of the mega-fraud at Carabineros, where he admits to having been improperly "suspended" an administrative summary ".

The above would be added, he added," to the Today's information where we learned that they were also seizing their mail and meeting knowledge held only 6 days before suspending the summary with Carabineros general manager, Eduardo Gordon – which today is formalized by the diversion of public funds in another part of the file, I think the president is at least asking enough information to know if it is viable to continue to rely on the services of Mr. Mendoza at the head of the Council of modernization ".

In this same line, Mulet added that "it is indeed possible to check his eventual involvement in the facts of the concealment of the summary and ultimately to have met with General Gordon a few days before the Cancellation of this summary, the thing which is still not very aware of how it disappeared, it would certainly be legitimate to believe in its responsibility in that this gigantic fraud of carabineers could have been discovered 7 years before, with all that that implies. "

For all of the foregoing, the hon. Member finally insisted that "although it is protected by the presumption of innocence, the delicate function entrusted to it, it is worthwhile to preside over a body that has to propose a modernizing bill of probity, transparency and publicity, it makes it quite logical and desirable to separate them, "he concluded.

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