They assure that the court ordered the embargo that would withhold funds from Maipú's school grant | National


Monday, July 23 has expired the term for the Municipality of Maipú to pay a compensation millionaire to an extra-worker who was fired after the l. arrival of Mayor Cathy Barriga to the municipality.

The resources to be paid correspond to $ 50 million and are to be paid to Bárbara Díaz Ibáñez, an honorary journalist who was dismissed in December 2016 and who did not receive any compensation, vacation and other legal obligations, according to El Dynamo

The journalist won the lawsuit, but after she was not paid, her lawyer, Alejandro Pareto, asked the seizure of more than $ 54 million to be received by the municipality for school grants. The court accepted the request.

As noted by the plaintiff, the municipality of Maipú did not sign the decree which allows to pay what is due for various reasons. The product of this, is that they sought this exit through "measure of pressure" since the accounts of the municipality by law are inaccessible, contrary to the amounts given by the executive power.

"We have insisted in various ways, including a warrant against the mayor, that the courts are reluctant to enact so unfortunately we had to resort to school grants as a measure of pressure against the municipality to pay what is owed, "said lawyer Alejandro Pareto to the media.

However, the defense has not yet requested the completion of the embargo, since it waits for the municipality to decide. "We will wait now for the school funds not to be affected, but if the municipality does not respond, we must seize to conform to the phrase "." argued the attorney ..

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