They call for thousands of people to disarm in Nicaragua


Managua Hundreds of people in cars, motorcycles, vans and vans marched through the streets of Managua on Sunday demanding the disarmament of irregular government-affiliated armed groups who, according to their opponents, are attacking peaceful protests in the midst of the current socio-political crisis.

The caravan of vehicles, whose motto "Managua does not forget, Nicaragua does not surrender", is for the disarmament of death squads, explains in a statement the Articulation of Movements While crossing the popular neighborhoods of the Nicaraguan capital, many drivers honked, issued proclamations in favor of anti-government students and protesters, and against the government. from elsewhere they raised their fists in the signal of victory.

On the other hand, hundreds of pedestrians and settlers of all ages left us homes with blue and white banners typical of the national emblem and with pans to stay on the sidewalks of their homes and provide warm support to the caravan.

The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) and Nicaraguan Humanitarian Agencies According to humanitarian agencies, the government of Daniel Ortega has committed serious human rights violations in the context of the current crisis causing at least 285 deaths

Violations include killings, extrajudicial executions, ill-treatment and other acts of torture. According to the IACHR, which was rejected by the Government of Nicaragua, arbitrary detentions were committed against the young population of the country.

The Nicaraguan Association of Human Rights (ANPDH) denounced in a report that police officers, rioters, parapolicies, paramilitaries and official groups who use an unjustified weapon of war, with francoti radores, against citizens who protest civically and peacefully.

This Sunday in Nicaragua comes 75 days of a socio-political crisis, the bloodiest since the 1980s, with Ortega also as president, who left 285 dead and more than 2500 wounded, according to figures from the ANPDH

Protests against Ortega and his wife, Vice President Rosario Murillo, began on April 18 for failed social security reforms and became a demand for the president's resignation, after eleven years in power, with accusations of abuse and corruption against him.

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