They claim that the rural sector stimulates agribusiness activity – 03/07/2018


The Palermo Rural Exhibition, to be held from Wednesday 18 to Sunday 29 of this month, will have two other main objectives, further beyond the historical axis of the oath and livestock. The vocation to show rural deployment to the urban public will continue to be strong and the intention of recent years will be stronger: business center of agribusiness, from cattle genetics to vans, including agricultural machinery and inputs, in particular "We are preparing a new meeting, on the same property as 140 years ago, and we are convinced that everything is organized to be splendid and to be again a fund of resonance for the market and for public opinion, "said Daniel Pelegrina, president of the Sociedad Rural Argentina (SRA), saying that" besides the presence of the President of the Nation, Mauricio Macri, who will lead the opening ceremony on Saturday 28th, this time the institutional presences will be reinforced by the visit of the G-20 ministers, who will hold sessions at this time.

Despite the economic context, which they deem difficult, the organizers hope that the exhibition will be the only one in the world. opportunity to promote products and services. "At any time economic, companies consider the exhibition Rural Palermo as an example to redouble the bet, that the business is going well or that it needs to be improved," said Claudio Dowdall, director General of the exhibition. And he was convinced that "companies, in addition to hiring the stands, will seek to show the best possible way, to connect with current and potential customers and to try to finalize business transactions."

  Gastón Lernoud, president of La Rural SA and Daniel Pelegrina, owner of Sociedad Rural Argentina (SRA)

Gastón Lernoud, president of La Rural SA and Daniel Pelegrina, owner of Sociedad Rural Argentina (SRA) [19659006] The commercial director of the fair, Carlos Solanet, explained that "the exhibitors make the decision to participate the previous year, for which the occupation of the spaces was not conditioned by the l '. financial instability of the last weeks ". He added: "We will see a complete exhibition, with a very good staging of the Argentine agro-industry and its entire chain of products and services."

The commercial bet will be encouraged by a series of events. In this regard, a rich program of training and business for the professional public was announced Tuesday, on the occasion of the Meat Week, Agro Business Center (CNA) and International Business Rounds, to which is added the reissue of the Food Rounds. The officials responsible for the official launch were, on behalf of the Sociedad Rural Argentina, Pelegrina, Nicolás Pino, 1st Vice-President and Abel Guerrieri, 2nd Vice-President, for the Rural SA were present Gastón Lernoud, President; Dowdall and Solanet

  Directors of La Rural and Sociedad Rural Argentina, during the presentation of the 132nd edition of the Palermo Exhibition.

Directors of Rural and Sociedad Rural Argentina, during the presentation of the 132 Edition of the Palermo Exhibition

Planned that there will be more than 4,000 animals of different species (cattle, horses, sheep, pigs and birds) and the best breeds of the country; the leading agricultural machinery companies, which will showcase innovation, innovation and trends.The automakers will also say present, with the best of their cars in 5-track 4×4 .In addition, there will be tours gastronomic re regional with typical products of Argentina; as part of a wide range of activities for the family.

Business Program The Center for Agro-Training and Business (NAC) will be the meeting point for exhibitors, professionals, businessmen and producers. A space where you will find a variety of content related to the sector and that can be accessed through an extensive program of technical conferences and clinics from the breeder to the breeder.

As in every edition, the "International Business Rounds" will be major protagonists among the different actors of the agro-industrial market. On July 23rd and 24th, the "4th cycle of agricultural and livestock affairs", developed for the third consecutive year with the CIDETER Foundation, will concentrate the businessmen of the sector and the main referents of the business. livestock, with the participation of seven international operators from the South African market. From 25 to 27 July, Rounds of Food and Beverages will bring together 15 companies from different markets participating in the fair, including Chile, Peru, Indonesia, the United Arab Emirates, Brazil, Colombia, Paraguay, Algeria and the United Kingdom

for the second consecutive year From July 18th to 23rd, the "Meat Week" will mark the agenda of the main themes related to the meat production chain, the genetics to commercialization. In addition, a complete diagnosis of animal production will be developed. All topics will be covered in conferences and training seminars in genetics, production, health, nutrition, marketing and gastronomy. In addition, there will be auctions and bull competition. The broad schedule of these days includes: On Wednesday 18th will also take place the 11th Conference of cattle genetics "Dr. Juan Bullo." That day, the Jura and Remate of Novillos will also take place, as well as the 2nd test competition of blocks and lectures on good husbandry practices and health management.

On Thursday, 19 and Friday, the Meat Table will meet with selected representatives of heifers.

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