They condemn a couple for the death of their daughter: they did not believe in doctors and prayed to save her


Both pleaded guilty. Sarah Mitchell 25 years old, and her husband Travis Lee Mitchell 22 years old, were sentenced to prison for the death of their own daughter, a newborn who became ill and was born. having never received medical care.

The couple's religious beliefs, originally from Oregon, in the United States, made them think that their daughter Ginnifer would only recover by prayers. But the baby became ill and worsened until death.

As a result, a court found them responsible for negligent homicide .

Sarah had twins, so Ginnifer's sister was also in danger. get sick For her fate, the medical examiner who verified the death of the other girl, decided to take the child to a hospital center (after having convinced the family), where he s & # 39; 39 is restored.

The Mitchell are members of the congregation. Christ, who rejects medical care and believes in healing by faith .

They must now serve sentences of at least six years

In a similar case, Sarah's sister, Shannon, and her husband Dale Hickman were also sentenced to prison in 2011 for allowing him to die their newborn baby. 19659008] [ad_2]
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