They create an experimental drug capable of slowing down Alzheimer's disease | The society


The Spanish multinational of homodérivés, Grifols, presented the results of a clinical trial demonstrating a slowing down of Alzheimer's disease taking an important step towards a possible treatment .

As detailed El País the test called Ambar ( Alzheimer Management By Albumin Replacement ) has the participation of 496 patients aged 55 to 85 years out of 41 hospitals in the United States and Spain, who did not know whether they were receiving a placebo or actual treatment (a procedure known as double-blind ).

The test consisted of a combination of periodic extraction of the plasma and its replacement with a solution of albumin, a plasma protein. The result was the 61% slowing down of progression of this neurodegenerative disease.

Treatment is based on the hypothesis that beta-amyloid, a protein that accumulates in the brain of Alzheimer's patients, circulates in albumin-related plasma. Its extraction moved it from the brain to the plasma thus limiting the impact of this disease on the cognitive functions of the patient.

However, in Grifols, they observed that the results were only relevant in patients in the moderate state, as those who suffered from mild illness had results without statistical significance .

For the multinational, it is necessary to endorse the conclusions drawn in a much larger sample of patients and obtain the approval of the health authorities for its future placing on the market.

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