They create healthy potato chips in Chile without losing the appeal of drug addicts


Santiago, Chile

A team of scientists from the University of Santiago de Chile (USACH) managed to create healthy chips that preserve the taste, smell, color, and Today researchers said researchers today reported that millions of people were creating dependency in the country and around the world.

whose oil absorption capacity is less than one third of that of origin, while reducing the amount of calories to help to fight against overweight and obesity .

This discovery comes just days after a report by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) that Chile was the second largest country in the United Nations. economic cooperation and development. o (OECD) with the largest number of overweight people.

According to this report, 34.4% of the population over 15 years of age suffers from obesity in the country, but only below the United States, where it is 40%. %.

The hope of the researchers, whose conclusions have been published by the Institute of Agrarian Innovation (FIA) of the Ministry of Agriculture, is that all Chileans will soon have access to "stamp-free" potato chips, that is to say without black octagons which, on the covers of the food products, denounce excess of fat of sodium, sugar or calories.

Besides "hot dogs" and empanadas, French fries are one of the most consumed foods by Chileans, but also one of the most harmful.

"We hope that this new food will be offered as a healthier alternative to potato chips, the idea being that they can move into commercial space to replace or even remove them from the Chilean diet," said Dr. Laura Almendares, who headed the USACH science team.

She explained that the new product had been physically evaluated. chemically and microbiologically to ensure "its safety and to verify its acceptability on the market".

"This is a unique formula that we hope will soon be on the market; The fried potato is a mbad consumption, and the adverse effects of obesity in Chile are public domain and reach more people than we think, "said the researcher.

She pointed out that healthy chips had been created. Chilean potatoes mixed with rice and other by – products and resulting from a three – year investigation.

For his part, Carolina Fuentes, head of the FIA ​​in the Santiago and Valparaíso regions, stressed that the project "C is a healthy and unprecedented alternative in the world."

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