They demand the dismissal of Attorney Abbott: "Enough impunity and corruption in the country"


With more than 10 signatures, several opposition MPs attended the Supreme Court to formalize the petition calling for the departure of National Prosecutor Jorge Abbott.

The document did not have the support of the Democratic Revolution and the Liberal Party.

In this regard, Tomás Hirsch, a member of the Humanist Party explained to CNN Chile that there was gross misconduct on the part of Attorney Abbott.

"We have studied this subject in depth, we have done nothing in a hurry and we come to the conclusion that the actions of the national prosecutor Jorge Abbott constitute a cause of revocation by the Supreme Court, "said Hirsch

. Presidential candidate, Beatriz Sánchez, noted that" today, we have less confidence in the national prosecutor's office after what we have encountered in the Penta case and I wonder how much this has to do with the role of the taxman at the national Jorge Abbott? "

" We came to the Supreme Court with significant demand. We want to know if neck and tie crimes will have the same penalty as other types of crimes, "he added.

" We want the prison to be not only for people who do not have lucas in this country poverty with prison, but justice is the same for all Chileans, "said Sanchez

More details in the video attached.


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