They denounce the discrimination of the regions in the delivery of drugs against HIV


Margarita .- The president of the StopVIH organization based in the island of Margarita, Jhonatan Rodríguez, described as a discriminatory and discriminatory practice the delivery of drugs donated by the Canadian government only in the capital region, even when there are more than 25 thousand HIV-positive people registered in the Ministry of Health's national AIDS program.

Rodríguez said that after the visit of the director of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), Carissa Etienne in Venezuela Five thousand 500 bottles of Viraday were given, and those who live at the Inside the country were not considered in their delivery.

"Again, it is obvious that the national government is the one who decides who lives and who dies.It is a violation of the right to health and life of those who are not in Caracas, but they have to take the drugs, maybe there are first-clbad and second-clbad citizens, "the human rights defender questioned. Nueva Esparta

Rodríguez said that each state has specific treatment requirements according to the population living with HIV, and in the case of the island of Margarita, it has counted the need for antiretrovirals such as Viraday (700) a month, Reyatar (270), Truvada (280), Kivexa (210), Efavir (123), among others, and the absence of which causes a person to die daily in the entity for AIDS-related causes.

In this regard, the President "UNAIDS arrives very late in the acute crisis that has endangered the lives of more than 88,000 HIV-positive people in Venezuela.We are lagging behind, we have episodes similar to those of years 80 when the first cases of AIDS were recorded, "he said, about the meeting of different NGOs focused on the search for a national response to the epidemic. Joint United Nations Program on HIV / AIDS (UNAIDS) for Latin America, César Núñez.

"Every day, more than 9 HIV-positive people die in our country because of AIDS-related causes, however in this meeting, we hear no concrete response to reverse this cruel reality, nor how Inusida can influence in the short term to address the shortage of antiretrovirals, infant formula, reactive diagnostic and control tests, as well as preventative condoms and drugs to treat opportunistic infections, he said.

In this regard, he urged international organizations to open real channels of humanitarian cooperation, which strongly respond to the progress of the epidemic in Venezuela and reduce risks, as there is data on the birth of children infected with the virus prophylaxis of mothers at the time of delivery, since transmission protocols can not be applied.

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