They denounce the fraud in the MOP project for the expansion of Concepcion Airport | National


A complaint for fraud presented to the fourth guarantee court of Santiago a contractor for the extension of the Carriel Sur airport in Concepción denouncing the company that received the project from the MOP. The lawsuit asks the public prosecutor to investigate a contract of about 2 billion pesos.

It is under the previous government that the Ministry of Public Works has awarded to the company Icafal the extension work which Icafal, in turn, has leased the services of Tramaq for several services, among which the delivery of aggregates for the extension of the runway of the airport, involving about 1,800 terminals. Millions of pesos

However, shortly after the start of the works, the client company handed over to another contractor the work that Tramaq had to do, leaving aside the company of Fernando Hartwig, who is now on the point of bankruptcy

The lawyer of the man Andrés Durán, indicated that before the irregularity and even the possible commission of and illicit, it is that a complaint has been filed, a lawsuit has brought and proceedings commenced before the Office of the Prosecutor.

To initiate the investigation, several steps were requested, including the seizure of documents. South, to delizar that the arid delivered would have been illegally extracted.

From the Regional Ministerial Public Works Office, its holder Daniel Escobar, badured that the conflict is between private without the dispute affects the project to improve the Carriel Sur air terminal.

In addition, the Seremi indicated that no irregularities were detected with the work done by Icafal 07 / cua-aeropuerto-6-fabian.mp3

The awarding of the contract to Tramaq was made in Santiago and from there the submission of the complaint to the Fourth Court of Guarantee against the officials, denouncing in addition the fraudulent subscription of the document the offense of fraud.

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